Should I consider the newer Audio Research pre & power amps, when I play records not CD's

I worked in and owned upper end audio stores back in the 1970's. (McIntosh B&O Magnepan, etc) I have been pretty much out of audio for the past 30 years. In my old age, I want to play the records I have saved (many MFSL & Japanese virgin vinyl) I kept my B&O linear 4002 W/mmc20CL cart. and it still works and I have newer B&W 804 speakers. I am going to get a new table of better quality. I have always wanted an Audio Research tube amp and Preamp. I am considering the LS 26 or LS17SE Preamp and older D90/115 or newer VS 115 or the Ref 75SE. I am in my 60's and my hearing is not as good as it was, plus I am lost with all the digital technology. (just started using a smart phone) I just wanted to get opinions spending $4000 on older ARC or bite the bullet and spend in the $7000 up. Is it worth spending the money for the new equipment when I am only playing records. 
Years ago in the store we had plenty of time to test different products. Our technician got an ARC SP3A and a D 76. We were able to compare it to most of the McIntosh line of tube amps and other solid state equipment. I fell in love with the ARC sound then. I had to sell the stores to care for my father and my second love "1940's 78 RPM Wurlitzer jukeboxes" kept me sane while taking care for him with Altimeters. All the jukeboxes have mono tube amps (6L6-5U4) type amps and all need restoration. (new caps and tubes) I have looked at the Ref 110 most are over $5000. I like the idea of the VT-100 in the $2500 range and going for a very good preamp and phono preamp. The reviews on the LS17se and the LS 25 & 26 are pretty good. Probably a dumb question but can a regular CD player be plugged into a Line Stage preamp without a DAC. The use of a DAC is confusing. 
Should I consider the newer Audio Research pre & power amps, when I play records not CD’s
YES!!! ARC is better than ever ... Life is short and you only live once so go for it IF you can afford it. I’m in the camp who ever goes with the most toys, WINS!!!

You don’t want to be a miserable over the hill bastard with Adcom, Jolida ... and spent 24/7 trolling " Synergistic Red Fuse " thread. GL!
BTW, you will want to read up on the new benchmark amp - it includes some new technology to reduce crossover distortion and is said by Stereophile to match amps 5x its price.  You also don't have to worry about the cost of new tubes every year or so.

A tube pre-amp with a quality SS amp may be all the tubeyness you need...
I also have always wanted an Audio Research Preamp (well, maybe not always, but at least since 1974 or so).  I finally decide to just do it, and my used LS25 MkII arrived 2 days ago.

You don't state a cost limit, but they do make an outboard phono stage, ase well as a new SP series with a phono stage (SP-20?), so check their web site.  There is also a 3rd party site listing the entire product history if you want to buy used.

I don't use records anymore so was only interested in line stages (LS-x).

Early on, they had knobs and very nice switches and ARC has always had a lot of control functionality as well as a very detailed rendering with a bit of extra mid-range (euphonic) but never a fat, bloomey sound.  They have always aimed to be the best.

My LS-25 has the switches along the bottom (which all trigger relays), but the knob rotation for control is gone.  Instead, you twist the knob and hold it to change volume, balance, etc.  I don't like that as well, but it does get rid of the pots and their SQ problems.

The LS-26 and newer SP-x preamps have a clock to monitor tube usage, and a display panel (where the LS25 has LEDs in an arc to show volume settings, etc.)

I agree you will need to do some extensive listening to decide which has the sound you like best, as well as evaluating control functionality and the longevity of the company, since a long warranty is of no value if a co. goes out of business.  Indeed, even paid repairs can be an issue.

 Listen to everything you can. Make a long term plan. Synergy is very important. You can have an excellent sounding piece of equipment, but if it is not a good match for your other pieces. It will just sound mediocre. Also do you want the up keep of a tube amp? There is expense in replacing the output tubes every 2000 to 3000 hours.

 Audio Research is some excellent gear. I have owned it since the late 1980's. But like any company some pieces are better than others. The amps made a major change in 1988 with the Classic series. A more modern sounding higher resolution tube amp. These amps can still hold there own against more modern Audio Research tube amps as well as most others. If I was going to choose the best bang for the money ARC amp it would be a Ref 110. An truly excellent sounding amp that can be found used for a really good price. It can run KT120 tubes and has an hours meter. If you don't want to deal with having to replace tubes. I would go with a Pass amp. Some of the best sounding solid state amps I have ever heard.

 For a line stage I would go with an LS25 mk2, Ref 2 mk2 or Ref 3. The Ref 5se is significantly better but used would still be twice the price. They will all mate well either either ARC or Pass.  A phono preamp really depends on the type of cart. For MM a PH5 is a nice sounding Audio Research phono pre. A PH7 if you are thinking MC. Audio Research has always been known for excellent preamps.

 You need to at least listen to Audio Research before making a decision. They make some of the finest sounding gear in the world. I have owned their gear off and on since the late 1980's. I have moved away from them a few times but always ended up coming back after a short time.

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I appreciate the help very much. I never realized I was so far out of date. I listened to ARC years ago but could not afford it. I am not dead set on ARC and am now realizing there are great companies out there, producing a high quality products. Why do you need DACs and what are some good phono preamps?
" I am considering the LS 26 or LS17SE Preamp and older D90/115 or newer VS 115 or the Ref 75SE."

If you must have ARC tube amp and preamp, Find a good used VT-100 (Mk 1, 2 or 3 are all OK.), and take the rest of the money and buy the best preamp you can afford.
The Audio Research SP-20 preamp includes a phono stage (and DAC, I believe).
I'd also look at a McIntosh C22 tube preamp w/phono.
Welcome back! 
I second the suggestion that you consider PrimaLuna.  I've owned a DiaLogue Premium Integrated for three years and have been very happy with it.  I also listen to a lot of LPs and have a separate phono stage (Eastern Electric tube model) hooked up to the amp.

I bought the amp from Upscale Audio (Kevin Deal) - very knowledgeable 
and helpful. The money you save with a PrimaLuna could be applied towards a higher end TT/cartridge.  In my case I have a Rega P9 with RB1000 mated to a wonderful Ortofon Jubilee cart. Very happy with the performance.

The LS26 and the LS17 are line stage only. Most preamps made in the last twenty years are line stage only. There are some that have phono,but not Audio-Research.
Thank you for the response. Thank you regarding the phono stage. So, even if it says phono I may have to use a separate phono preamp? New is out of the question but a few years old used might be within range. I just sold my Conrad Johnson pre amp and my Dynaco ST 50. The Dynaco sounded great but no enough power. 
They do not sound the same. That's the real problem.

The newer one's are significantly warmer without being juicy compared to the original AR.

I would go by your ears. Listen to Conrad Johnson, Cary and Prima Luna as well.


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