Shelf life of EMT TSD 15 rubber suspension


According to info that I found on forums EMT use natural rubber in the suspension and the suspension ages and needs to be replaced every 3 years or so. Does anybody use EMT T TSD 15 that was stored for 10+ years?


Hi nandric &dover

I’ve passed on NOS Japanese TSD 15 when  I’d learned that EMT charges CFH 600 for dampers only. Yet I still need a cart for my NOS EMT 997 and EMT seems like a natural fit, especially considering shell design. I buy my analog gear mostly in Japan. I travel there at least once a year (very bad trip for my valet😤 ). There EMT carts were imported by Kawamura Electric Research Institute and I think that EMT built carts to their spec. I’ve heard that XSD was developed specifically for Japanese market so I wander if EMT XSD 15 Frantz (the only XSD model that I saw there) has even  lower output than the standard XCD 15 which I believe is already low 0.15 V.   LZi stands for low impedance international but I’m not sure what Frantz stands for.  Anyway unless I missed it a couple of TSD 15 that I saw there did not have LZi designation. As XSD 15 Frantz  is typically 30-40% more expensive and I already have a couple of LOMCs  I’m thinking regular TSD15, no point overpaying for NOS as dumpers are most likely gone anyway and the original diamond profile is not that great either.

Nice to hear (see) that I was/ám  right. about  Tuchan, Syntax, Rauil

AND dover (! grin). 


Actually, getting it rebuilt by Anamighty Sound would be a great option for you.

Hi alexy, What I rememeber is the story of our member Tuchan was also 

the member of the so colled :GERMAN GROEP' with Dertonarm and Syntax

but also ''your truly'' not because my German but because of fear from

Syntax. As a real Kantian but with some symilarity with Raul his usual

qualification was '' he knows ABSOLUTE nothing''. So to avoid this qualification

I never questioned any statemets from the ''German group''. Mind you this

is not easy for any laweyer. The only difference with Raul was/is ''there are


Anyway I learned from Tuchan who was friend of director by EMT that 

they produced LOW OUTPUT EMT FOR Japanese market. Say 0,3 mv

instead od 0,9 mV. Thanks to Tuchan i got one. .Alas I sold the ''precious''

and can't rememeber its name. I sometime ask myseld : ''what was the

name of my mother''? ''So old I am'' (grin).

However because ''our dover'' knows everything I bet he will know about

thus EMT.

@nandric  I remember reading a post in which you said that EMT TSD 15 is significantly inferior to XSD 15. Can you elaborate on it? 

This is known problem by EMT. Despite all feed back information they

deed nothing to solve the problem. Van de Hul first cartridge was his

version of EMT. He use different damapers for his own cartridges and

is the right address for the new dampers.

In high humidity Israel - suspension of TSD lives 1 year maximum... Have lot of bad experience with them.

I have a number of NOS or near NOS cartridges from when I was a dealer.

A couple after 30 years sound fantastic - as in better than current new $2k cartridges. However most have some attrition, and even though they might track fine, I can hear that the sound has deteriorated.

You records are worth more than the cartridge - I would err on the side of caution and get the EMT serviced.

If the cartridge does not bottom out when set at the appropriate VTF the rubber damping is fine!

And if it gets hard with age?

If the cartridge does not bottom out when set at the appropriate VTF the rubber damping is fine!