Selecting Preamp for MC452 amp seeking most enjoyable experience possible in price range

It’s been over two years that I’ve heard my B&w 702 s2 because after hearing them once Playing with a friends class a amp I could never go back to listening to them on my integrated amp rotel ra-1570  . Hard to go backwards in listening experience once that veil had been lifted :-) I recently was given a McIntosh 452 for my birthday & wasn’t quite planning to go that route but thankful nonetheless to have it . Now I’m wondering how to intelligently choose a preamp that is musically satisfying, has numerous input options , system matching,  and also best value for lower end component range of 3500. To 6000. (Hard to believe 6000. Is ever considered a “lower” range but in audio I see it is Apparently the case when I flip through Sterophile or The Absolute Sound Mags . 
I was told by a local retailer to look into the Anthem Preamp as a solid all around choice hmmmm .? Was wondering what other preamp options I may be overlooking or unaware of used or new . I really was hoping for one that has Phono-Stage and perhaps use it with my stand alone 2Qute Chordette DAC & Velodyne Direct Drive 18 Sub.  But mostly I am hoping for purchasing a component that sonically pairs well between the MC amp and the B&w speakers and just get down to the actually listening to the music and getting by vibe on :-) Any advice would be so appreciated as you guys on this forum seem to be in it for the love of audio .
There are a million preamps available including several McIntosh preamps in that price range.  The McIntosh C22 is brilliant at the high end of your price range and would be one of my first choices.    

Alternatively, there are other brands that you can match.  Audio Research makes amazing preamps and until very recently was a sister company of McIntosh.  None of they preamps new is in your price range but an LS26, LS27 or LS28 would be a good option and should be in that range used. 

The SP-20 is another amazing unit from ARC that I would consider.  Here is a review.  I have a used one of these coming available very shortly.  Firm price will be $4250 plus shipping and CC/PP fee.
Another option would be a German brand called AVM.  The AVM Evolution PA 5.2 is a modular preamp that has a few cards that can be added for DAC/Phono Stage/FM Tuner but are not required.  Without cards it lists at $5495 and is a superb option.  This unit has variable output sensitivity for improved matching with external amps. 

There are at least 100 other options from Parasound, Musical Fidelity, Rogue and countless others.  

PM me if you have any interest in the ARC SP-20 or the AVM.  Otherwise good luck.  
Thank you for your direction on components . I will research your suggestions and definitely read up on the Arc so-20 you have coming available! I’m just curious how do those you mentioned above diff from like the McIntosh C49 Stereo Preamplifier? I guess I should be able to differentiate the qualities that make your recommendations key things to be paying attention to 
The topic of preamps has been exploding on this site lately! There are many good posts recently, with careful discussions and comments about criteria, brands, combinations, and more. Try searching a bit and see!
No doubt that Audio Research makes some impressive preamps and there are references on various web forums of people using AR preamps with Mac amps with good results. However, this does not match my experience.
To the OP, when you do your research, make note of the input impedance of the MC452. At 22k ohms, it’s pretty close to the minimum load recommended by AR for most of their preamps. Also notice the 452 requires 4.2 volts on its balanced inputs to reach its rated power output. With a typical Audio Research preamp, this might mean you could end up cranking the volume higher than you expect for normal listening but finding the sound balance pretty thin; lacking in dynamics and bass slam, depending on your source. At least, this is what I have experienced.
Both the tube and solid state Mac preamps have fairly low output impedances and robust voltage outputs . Some also have decent phono stages, IMO, with adjustable loading. Try before you buy would be good advice in all cases but is especially in this one.
The C49 is a brilliant preamp.  I find B&W speaker a bit forward and Chord DACs tend to be forward so for me, I would be biased toward slightly warmer preamps that Mc SS.  This is my bias.  You may find it an acceptable sound profile.   This is why from Mc, I am suggesting the C22 rather than the C49

Each of the units I suggested is a tube unit.  mtmug may be right.  I personally have had good experiences with ARC preamps and Mc but that is my perception.  

If you do want to move away from Mc (not saying you should), AVM might be a better option given that it offers a variable output and it would help facilitate matching with the Mc amp.  
I was given a McIntosh C28 SS preamp, along with McIntosh 2250 SS Amp many years ago, used for many years.

I dedided to get back to tubes, had the factory certify them, sold them, then bought tube preamp, and tube amp.

this article helped me decide to buy McIntosh Vintage mx110z Tube Tuner/Preamp (you want the z version)

Best FM Tuner sound I ever had or heard. My Carver Tuner could beat it for weak signals but I only listen to WBGO Jazz, my dedicated FM antenna aimed at it’s source. It gets many other stations also. Most younger than me, and even very few my age have ever heard excellent FM I have found.

Love mx110z’s sound, my Reel to Reel, and especially it’s 2 phono inputs, McIntosh preamps have the wonderful mode switch which I find invaluable refining my system, and individual trim controls to match input volumes.

My prior SS C28, I actually preferred the TT’s switchable built in phono preamp to the C28’s phono.

another mx110z link

"... Also notice the 452 requires 4.2 volts on its balanced inputs to reach its rated power output. With a typical Audio Research preamp, this might mean you could end up cranking the volume higher than you expect for normal listening but finding the sound balance pretty thin; lacking in dynamics and bass slam, depending on your source. At least, this is what I have experienced..."

Same for me with a AR LS-7 and a Mac MC402.
Hilde45 I have spent months reading and trying to sort through the topic of preamps . But being that I am a donkey level audio person half of it doesn’t make sense to me in what equates to what & I end up buying stuff local shop says is going to get me to a decent audio listening experience . I do agree with you Verdantaudio on the b&w’s being to forward ( bright ? Or not my fav sound signature if that’s what it is referred to in audio lingo?) don’t know . I started of first thinking a person buys speakers then goes from there .clearly I was clueless. But i posted on this site seeking info from others who one aren’t trying to make a sell off me by recommending products they are authorized dealers to sell , aren’t the type of people who think Costco components are “hi-if” and are really savy in their wide range of audio experience and personal knowledge.
 Mtmug your comment “make note of the input impedance of the MC452. At 22k ohms, it’s pretty close to the minimum load recommended by AR for most of their preamps. Also notice the 452 requires 4.2 volts on its balanced inputs to reach its rated power output” already helped me out immensely!!!! See I didn’t even know that was something I needed to need to factor in “ So thank you for educating me on that now I can read through specs of components on how it needs to relate to my specific audio setup
So far I have made bad audio purchases and have thought they were great due to audio shop salesman and lack of understanding . Just trying to put some intelligence into the mix this time around from people who live and breathe sound 
I have a smaller Mac amp, an MC302 married to a Mac C2500 tube preamp.  The sound is heavenly.  If you don’t need the latest DAC, a newer McIntosh C2600 can be bought for around $4500 and the C2700 which is their newest model at 7K.  Almost every person on the McIntosh forum use a McIntosh tube pre with the McIntosh solid state amp.  The synergy is off the charts. 
Check out for used Mac gear. I’ve purchased from them and have not been disappointed. 
Are the interconnects between pre and amp critical for the results you’ve experienced?
I bought all of my McIntosh equipment from Mike Sastra at Audio Classics.  Mike is a great guy, one of the best in the audio business.  My interconnect between the preamp and power amp was first an Audioquest King Cobra, unbalanced and then I went to a much more expensive cable that Chris at VH audio made speciffically for me.  I believe it was around $500.00.  I felt the Audioquest cable was a little dark on the top end and once I told Chris what I wanted to achieve between the 2 Mac pieces, he came up with a cable for me.  It made a world of difference for the better.
Referencing a few points listed prior: you are always going to on the audio merry-go-round until you consider a speaker change. Even as warm and syrupy as Mac gear tends to be, the harsh B&W sound will still prevail. Consider a pair of Focal Sopra II's, or Dynaudio Contour 60's, and go from there. Before I left Mac, I had a pair of MC601's and a C2300 feeding the Sopra's, and it was quite pleasant. That was years ago...ditch the Mac gear as well and start anew...
Tough not to match that Mac with anything but a Mac. +1 C22, 2500-2700. You'll like it.. They are just made for each other. I just saw a C2500 few Xtra valves, 4000.00. Great deal...

all your components and speakers are on the bright/sizzly side -- or to put it more nicely, they give priority to detail, transparency and speed over warmth, tonality and body to the sound character... :)

if you like mac stuff get one of their tube preamps... if it were my system my tastes i would certainly head in that direction

tube pre into good ss power amp is a well worn often practiced path towards sonic happiness