SabrinaX vs JA Perspective2 Graphene

Has anyone compare / heard the SabrinaX and JA Perspective 2? 

Looking at the measurements, SabrinaX could be somewhat bright and have a recessed mid. Which speakers do you like more of? And which one would be easier to drive?


JA measurements: 



Pulled trigger on a new pair of Joseph Audio Perspective 2 today. A new chapter in my audio journey has started 😊👍



That's great.  I'm looking forward to reading about your impressions.  If you want put them in my Perspectives (and other speakers) thread.  Or of course wherever.

@soix @prof @disc - your posts on JA Perspectives 2 certainly have helped me to make the decision. Although I didn't think my dealer had the speakers set up most ideal way, but going by what I heard at a show and online feedback from just about everyone on these speakers, I thought they'd serve me for many years with a highly enjoyable music. Surely I'll post my impression. Thanks everyone!