

Responses from panerai557

Holo Audio May KTE vs DCS Rossini Player / Clock
I believe the May KTE has a slightly warmer tone in general, which is a common trait of R2R DACs. Its performance can range from average to spectacular, depending on how it is used. The best results I’ve achieved—my current setup—are with NOS mode... 
Adding a tube amp is a good idea?
@lucky_doggg7 ​​​​​thanks for taking time posting your response. Jeff Joseph thinks that the amp would sound pretty good. He demos the speakers using Dosh tube amp with smiliar power. I also heard the previous version of the speakers with EAR V12 ... 
Adding a tube amp is a good idea?
Fantastic, thanks @ghdprentice   
What is your favorite budget streamer?
I really do not think anything ~$1000 can beat Holo Audio Red. If one is willing to spend extra money on high performance cables and fuse, Red can perform way above based on my experience.   
Looking for my End Game Speaker
@calgarian5355 - JA Perspective 2 owner here. Before buying my speakers, I seriously considered Gershman Acoustics 30th Anniversary Grand Avant Garde.  My last experience with the Gershman speakers at the Toronto Audio Fest this month. Again, the... 
New Speakers under consideration - but I’m afraid
My pick would be Joseph Audio Perl. Kharmas are also dynamic with a good authority. Dynaudio confidence 50 should be also very good. I would look YG or Rockport over Wilson or BW. Later brands looks beautiful but the sound never moved me.   
Backert Labs Rhumba 1.3 vs Extreme
@bluethinker - I rolled the output tubes. I tried Electroharmonix 6sn7 and PSVANE 6sn7. Both produce clean / transparent sound. I currently use PSVANE as it sounds more organic and a tad softer upper freq. The big surprise came from fuse change. I... 
Differences between Harbeth, Spendor, Graham, etc. ?
I had Falcon LS3/5a Gold Badge. It has pretty impressive imaging, mid range, and tonality but it cannot match those qualities of the Joseph Audio Perspective2 which I currently own.   
Lotus Harmonic Enhancer by Tombo Audio
These kind of devices 'ring' frequencies. This why you are u need to experiment or tinker with it because you don't know what outcome you will get. I too use HFTs. They are pretty effective in my room and I have pretty good understanding of how to... 
Audio Research versus McIntosh tube amps: anyone experience or compare both?
I have been listening to JA Perspective2s with Linear Tube Audio MicroZOTL pre and Pass X250.8 for few months now. I ❤️ what I'm hearing. When I demoed the speakers at my dealer, hear them with full Mac system, tube pre but SS monos but sounded bi... 
electronic music
I love Kraftwerk. Bought all of their LPs I can get hands on.   
Looking for a nice outrigger knob like this ...
Thats fine.  Can you post some pics pls?  Thanks.   
Looking for a nice outrigger knob like this ...
Hi Jerry,  No need for chromed. My preference is brass or mat aluminum. Do you have some sample photos? Also how much would you charge? I need four of them.    Thanks.   
Schitt Yggdrasil More is Better
I don't have any experience with Schitt Yaggie Dacs but I have upgraded Dacs many times. Each upgrades costed almost double from a previous device but  obvious performance improvements. But just with anything, I think you will hit diminishing retu... 
quest for speaker upgrade
I heard the 30 anniversery Grand Avant Gard at the last Toronto audiofest with pass labs electronics. Found them a bit soft, smooth and easy to listen to but if you like that sound then it might be the one for you. I just got JA Perspective2s. The...