I have lived several weeks with Roon 1.3 and have the Unix version of its core on an SSD in a QNAP NAS/RAID server with a i5 processor. A Roon-ready Sonore microRendu Unix-based streamer does the conversion from Ethernet to USB into an Esoteric K-01X. The Roon control software resides on a Windows 10 tablet. I'm using the Roon DSP engine to upsample all PCM files to DSD128, which are fed to the K-01X DAC section without further filtering or upsampling performed inside the Esoteric. Though slightly different in presentation, the sound of the Roon source is competitive with RBCD and SACD on the K-01X transport.
There are a few quiddities with Roon and its DSP engine. To handle a DSD64 source file, Roon down-samples to 24/384 PCM and then upsamples to N x DSD. Roon does not recognize .iso disk image files and some .DFF files. You need a separate program to manually convert these to .DSF. As far as I can see, Roon does not recognize PDF album art such as pages or booklets. There are software glitches in capturing the artist into the metadata display. None of these issues are serious problems that they will not eventually fix, and SQ is excellent.