RIP Tom O'Brian of the Cherry Amp Co.

Tommy, as he was widely known in the audio world, was an outgoing, cheerful, and totally winning individual. This, in addition to being an absolutely brilliant amplifier designer and manufacturer. A visit to the company websites ( will reveal glowing reviews and testimonials from customers.


Tom died December 14 of complications arising from COVID 19. A single father, the leaves behind three children, Jake, 21; Athena, 18; and Brynn, 13.


Tributes and remembrances are being posted on at, an audio forum website which has a page dedicated to The Digital Amplifier Company. One of the members there has organized a Go Fund Me campaign for Tommy`s kids, "Help the Children of Tom O`Brien," at


Great everybody!  You made this about @roxy54 and not about Tommy. Wtf people?!?!?


it’s horrible news, he was a wonderful man even if he wasn’t vaccinated. It’s not something I agree with but I rarely blame the individual and more the community of dimwits who encourage it. 

He will be missed, I love his products and will miss the man. 

roxy54, I’m sorry but I choose not to respond, that is your quote above. 

I did not know Tom nor have I heard his amps. When I heard was 3 kids have lost there father on Christmas with bank accounts frozen I make a donation. Can you imagine what they are going through at this very moment, my heart and thoughts goes out to them. They need all the help from any angle and not to have there father judged by anyone.

All the money we spend on this hobby if you have a spare dime give to Tom’s kids they need to know people truly care. It may help them get through this knowing people really do care about there dad it also may help in the healing process.

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Here is to hoping people are more humane in 2022 no mater your political, sexual, musical, fuse, or tweak proclivity’s.


BTW looked at some of Toms YouTube videos and he did not look well, other health issues?

Merry Christmas


roxy54 emailed me a Personal Message stating “If he had neglected or refused to get a vaccination he has no soul or brain. If that was the case he has my sympathy”. I did not respond!  What kind of man lives or thinks this way? I guess if we don’t all hold up to roxy54’s standards there will be no sympathy no matter how tragic to an individual or his family. I feel sorry for any human that lives his life this way.

Just FYI, the roxy54 post that was removed, above, was the cause of the subsequent posts of strong criticism of roxy54. He stated that he would condition his donation to the O’Brien family GoFundMe account upon whether or not Tom had been vaccinated against Covid.

@roxy54 have you heard of empathy? If you don't know why people are responding the way they are to your comment, you need some soul searching/therapy, probably both... 


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@roxy54 ...then I would consider you a cruel fascist, and a despicable human being.  I don't know the answer, and I don't care.  Having pity for another's misfortune, regardless of the circumstances, is a part of being a decent member of the human race.  You, sir, have failed to achieve that status.


@roxy54 SARCASM. You can feel that way but really should keep that to your self.

You are a heartless bot.


@roxy54 ...then I would consider you a cruel fascist, and a despicable human being.  I don't know the answer, and I don't care.  Having pity for another's misfortune, regardless of the circumstances, is a part of being a decent member of the human race.  You, sir, have failed to achieve that status.


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and a very worthy go fund me at that…. The college kids are going to grow up 2 fast.

Robot with a soft spot