Regarding DK Design Vs.1 Reference Mk2 amp ???

Does anybody know the answer to this question ? If the DK Design Vs.1 Reference Mk2 is such a good amp why so many people are selling it ????
Money, money, money. Hey, there are things more important than money. How about having a big DK?

I didn't recommend that anyone buy a DK VS I Mk II. I did recommend that if anyone has one that they might want to consider hanging on to it for its intrinsic value not its investment value. My post was targeted at audiophiles who may not realize what they have and would lose out by selling it because of how the product is denigrated by a community of people who for the most part have not even heard it. Do you know of anyone who has actually heard the amp that did not have good things to say about it? Does anyone out there who has actually heard it know of better sound and quality of construction for the ridiculous price of $1500 or less? Get real.

Assuming that the only investment choices that I have had in 30 years as an adult were the Nova and the Dino, your logic might hold water. Citing examples of successful trades wouldn't have made my point would it?


By the way, I just sold a Dynavector DV-501 for about what I paid for it in 1987. Rogers LS35as went for about $750 in the late 80s and go for upwards of a grand today. A Fidelity Research FR1 Mk IIIf just went for over $500 and in the 80s sold for about $350. The Denon 103d sells for more today than it did new. I've seen Dual CS-5000s go for more than their original selling price. Lots of stuff!
dfking, I'm happy that you love your DK amp(s). Yes I do know of someone who has one and its up for sale on the 'gon. I have not heard it, nor have I EVER said anything negative about it, I have no position or stake in that issue.

Now if you want to discuss the manner in which this amp has been marketed on this site, of which your post appeared to be an ongoing continuation, that is another matter.

You mentioned that you have been in the business for 25 years. The audio business? Care to elaborate for those few folks who have a DK and are insecure about its monetary or sonic value?
Crozbo: have auditioned the ASR Emitter? Did check their wesbite and indeed the product does appear interesting on paper..?

I really didn't come into this with an opinion on the manner in which the product was marketed. My original post addressed the question of why so many of the the VS-1 Mk II were being sold.

Daniel Khesin is a great guy who made a great product that has become available to a great number of people. He is a gentleman and an audiophile and I hope he continues to involve himself in this industry.

I've sold audio since the late 70s but I hardly think that qualifies me as any more of an authority than anyone else with an ear for good sound (well, maybe a little).
Henryhk -- I own an ASR Emitter I Exclusive. Single greatest piece of audio equipment that I have owned. If you can live with the three boxes it is a pleasure to listen to every day. Makes me think more and more that amplification is the key link in the chain since the Emitter makes an inexpensive front end sound better and brings out the best in even moderately priced speakers. Of course the higher up the food chain in both front end and speakers the results are even more spectacular.

Given my conversations with HP, once the TAS article comes out in a few days many more people with understand what a few of us already know about this German marvel.
Zodiak - to get back to your original question, you have your choice of answers -

Lrsky - 8-20-05 - "Many people are selling the DK Mark II's …,(advertising deleted) simply because the Mark III is out".

Lrsky - 10-13-05 - "Our introduction of a Mark III caused a rush to sell, for the latest version, ……

Lrsky - 10-15-05 - "we KNOW why people are selling them. They bought directly from the factory (in general) or got them for a song, and are simply getting most of their money back".

Take your pick.
Breaking silence, I answered this question a week ago on a thread that was closed by A'gon.
The previous owners sold many Mark II's into the market because the Mark III was released without prior knowledge to any of the owners or dealers. This is horrible marketing, and requires us to all recognize this.
Dealers felt betrayed and began to 'dump' product, then as well customers. The total irony of this is that, if one evaluates the Reference product internally it appears to be a $10K plus amp, in terms of build quality and parts.
Now, a secret for all those interested.
I just completed an ad for Stereophile in which I refer to the NEW SIGNATURE LSA AMP, an improved Signature, which will have better tube grade and model configuration, Siltech Wiring, Metal Film Resistors, and other secrets that no one will notice unless they listen...
The good news is that, those who have invested in the Signature get a FREE, yes FREE upgrade, with the only charge being shipping costs. How's that for upping the ante on service and customer satisfaction?
We are bound and determined to make DK Owners the happiest in the world.
Larry R. Staples
DK Design/LSA Group
Well golly gee willikers there has to be a underlying meaning and intent to what Mr Staples just proposed. How dare he try to win back control, of the marketing of his very own company.Tom
Well golly gee willikers

Frankly I'm shocked that Audiogon would let this foul language go up without censure.

Your a wild man Audio Tweak !
Barney Fife will be returning from his nightly patrol very shortly.He's the man! I know he would instinctively know how to handle such a situation.Tom
But according to all the advertising the Mark II was a revolution. What a short revolution only to be upgraded to Cardas binding posts and what not. I am sure that is why they are selling LAME...

Theaudiotweak, you are funny! Very nice..

Well, changes, Better Caps, the Cardas. Hell,No! I changed
to Auricaps, replaced the fuses with Highend upgrades. Now,
that amp sounds like what it was intended too! the key to this
hold thing is cabling, and tubes.Use the cable or
tubes you will get bad sound! Garbage in, garbage
out! That goes for any audio equipment.