Regarding DK Design Vs.1 Reference Mk2 amp ???

Does anybody know the answer to this question ? If the DK Design Vs.1 Reference Mk2 is such a good amp why so many people are selling it ????

Showing 4 responses by snofun3

Dear Larry,

Let me start by saying that I wish you the best with the company, and trust that your experience in the industry can change the product into something worthy of respect.

As you are undoubtedly aware, the prices of used DK products are pathetic, and I suspect that the DK brand deserves better than the disrespect the market is showing it. The problem goes back to the stunningly ill advised DK “marketing” campaign which you already noted as being probably not in the best interest of the company. If you’ll indulge me, I have some suggestions for the future I hope will be useful -

1)Keep those previously associated with DK quiet – they provide no value, only more cynicism.
2)Dealers with multiple ads look desperate. Does anyone believe there’s value in 9 of the same ad?
3)Stop with the Class A, (and now A+ (!) allegations) already. It’s bullshit– just say so. Smoke, mirrors, hype and bullshit are what got DK where it is today.
4)Delete the over-the-top hyperbole on the DK site – The audience here is fairly sophisticated and we feel like our intelligence is insulted by moronic statements. “The best speaker in the history of human kind –Emotiontech engine, XDream technology, testing 90% of the components at up to twice the price” oh my.
5)Be careful what you say. You’ve already made statements you’ve quickly had to backtrack on. People appear to respect you – don’t use up your goodwill.

“will interest less than 2% of the respondants(sp) on the page, if they fit within the normal demographics” huh? what? There’s no way to rescue this. Just say you were tired or something.

“Everyone, including Wilson is using MDF, and why not, is that mdf is cheap(sp-again).” Oooops.

“these F7's take almost 3 months to carve out of aluminum, with weighted CNC machines” – correction “it took 3 months to make the CNC tapes” Oooops again.

6)Make the shills go away. Looks like you have a handle on this already as we haven’t seen them recently. The DK promotion campaign had to be the worst ever concocted.

I hope that you can take what appears to be a decent product and rescue it. I think you have an uphill battle trying to reclaim your market, but wish you the best of luck in your attempt.
Why consider a universal player for formats that are essentially dead? I have had two universal players, and have 20 discs. I won't buy more discs or another multi player.

Put the time, money, effort into a first rate red book player.
I refer to "universal player", (as I believe most do) as being inclusive of the DVD-A and SACD formats, which is why I commented that I wouldn't waste the time to include them given the reality of those formats in the market.
Many or most of the universal players on the market are not outstanding Redbook players until you get to the stratosphere in price.
Zodiak - to get back to your original question, you have your choice of answers -

Lrsky - 8-20-05 - "Many people are selling the DK Mark II's …,(advertising deleted) simply because the Mark III is out".

Lrsky - 10-13-05 - "Our introduction of a Mark III caused a rush to sell, for the latest version, ……

Lrsky - 10-15-05 - "we KNOW why people are selling them. They bought directly from the factory (in general) or got them for a song, and are simply getting most of their money back".

Take your pick.