Record weights 'n clamps: Audible improvements ?

I am hearing a significant sound improvement using the TTClassic Record Weight and Level Combo.

Anyone else think those make a difference ?
Have TW ACUSTIC AC1 sounds best with nothing.Tried Shun Mook warmer but highs not as airy.
I think the value of a record weight will depend upon (1) the state of one's LPs, if one is using the weight to flatten them, (2) one's personal taste in listening (I like a "lively" sound, myself), (3) platter material, (4) turntable type (belt vs direct vs idler drive), and (5) probably tonearm and cartridge as well.

So far, I have never met a turntable weight that improves the sound, using a Notts Hyperspace, a Lenco with Boston Audio mat, or a Kenwood L07D with its stainless steel mat. The weight was least harmful on the Notts, but not that beneficial, either. On the L07D, the original Kenwood record weight squashes the life out of the music, IMO.
I just received my TT Weights Super Ring (675 grams). It deliver's big time. Dramatic improvements in soundstage depth and air along with much firmer grip/clarity on the bass. I had no idea what I was missing. Highly recommended.
Hard to beat the Clearaudio twister clamp, imo. I prefer it to their more expensive complete alloy models. Simple twist and it locks down the record. It's a great complement to an outer ring weight.
Clamps are great, so you don't have to waste money on 180 gram pressings. That's the biggest scam going other than labels cutting vinyl using digital sources.

Some of the best recordings I own are classical recordings such as DG cut on fairly thin vinyl.
I just picked up a Shun Mook record weight second hand, they don't often come up. This is the smaller weight, the stupidly expensive, not the insanely expensive large one. Second hand, it is bearable, just.
Opinions about Shun Mook seem strongly positive, except the price. Well, I have to agree, taking the weight on and off clearly demonstrates improvement in clarity and dynamics. You don't have to listen hard to hear them. It's still insanely expensive new, mind you.
Any one tried the Clearaudio Statement Clamp? Wonder if it justifies that kind of price.
Yes agree, it does make a positive difference. And even if it doesn't, it sure looks pretty :)
I've had excellent results using a Black Diamond one-piece carbon fibre screw-down clamp on my VPI Classic. Backgrounds are quieter and everything sounds more resolved and stable, yet it doesn't deaden the sound in any way. The stock clamp and another record weight I tried also brought some benefits, but not to anything like the same degree. The BD clamp is expensive to buy new, though, and rarely turns up used.
I own a Linn Sondek LP12. Anybody ever heard of, or used a record clamp with an LP12? Does Linn even make, or recommend such an animal?
I agree with Arnold Layne above. I just got a VPI Classic with the clamp and ring, and it really is a joy to use the combo. I even get a bit of a "workout" changing sides, so what the heck! Seriously, have not a/b'd between using them and not using them, but I think they level and smooth everything out, and add even a bit more mass to the platter, which I think is a good thing for the Classic. Jrb25, you should get the HRX weight--you don't have to screw and unscrew the weight. Probably worth the $$ to spare that aggravation.
The VPI HRX clamp and ring are easy to use (other than having a place to put the outer ring while changing LP's/sides)
Warped records are no longer an issue.

It took me 30 seconds with a friends clamp to decide that it is worth every penny!
Don't know about weights but screwing the clamp on my VPI table on and off every 20 minutes drives me crazy. Lately I just use it on really warped records. I don't notice much difference on most records anyway.
I have KAB's older rubber record grip (since replaced by this one), and for the $29.95 I paid, it lowers surface noise, reduces record slippage (better pace, tempo, and transients), and makes really thin pressings such as RCA Dynaflex records sound just like full weight LPs.

IMO record weights and clamps would have different but overlapping effects. A record grip like I have absorbs vibrations coming up the spindle, clamps the record to the mat, and absorbs resonances from the record itself. It also has the advantage that you don't have to adjust the loading of a suspended turntable.

A record weight would do similar things, but the mass of it changes the resonant frequencies of the mechanical aspects of the playback. This could be for better or worse, or for both.

Then there are the ones simply designed for resonance control, that neither clamp nor add a lot of weight, such as the Herbie's Supersonic Record Stabilizer.
Not always. Most Galibier owners have found any weight smears the presentation with the new graphite platter surfaces. So, YMMV.
On my SME 10 the clamp/weight has definitely made a difference and for the better
I agree that using a clamp can be very beneficial.

My Basis table and clamp are made for each other, and they work great. And I rarely, (twice, maybe, in 8 years), have had a record warped so much that it affected playback.

The only drawback to the Basis clamps is that they are so $%#^$% expensive. (I think they are running $300 now, (if bought separately from the table.) Ouch! (I know they are very well made, but still, $300?)

My two cents worth.
I think upgrading to the screw-down clamp on my Gyro made a difference.

Unfortunately, I don't think the suspension of the Gyro can handle a periphery ring with enough weight to actually flatten out, say, dishwarped records. Maybe the really thin RCA Dynaflops? Anyway, never seemed like it would be worth the expense for the few Lps that are a problem.
Sure, but as much as many are afraid to use them, a periphery ring is a must on many, many tables. Say goodbye to warped LP problems. Say hello to more definition and better bass in particular. Cheers,
