Recommend me a tube integrated amplifier

I'm at a point where I'd like to try a tube integrated amplifier.

I currently have a Luxman L-509x driving a pair of Audio Note AN-K/SPx SEs.

I use a Marantz SA-KI Ruby CD/SACD player and a Technics SL1200Mk2 and AT-33SA LOMC for sources.

I also use a Rythmik E15HP/PEQ3 subwoofer to fill in the bottom end.

I listen mostly to jazz, classic rock at low to mid-level volumes, and my budget would be around $4k-ish used or new.

So, I'd like to get some recommendations for an integrated that would pair well with the AN-Ks.  Subwoofer connection mandatory either pre-outs or compatible for speaker level connection.  Phono pre inputs for MC desired, but optional.

No hybrids, high power not needed. No headphones either.  A remote would be nice, but I could suffer without one.



Check out Decware.  They have a line of integrated amps from 2 watts up to 60 watt.  American made, well built, sound wonderful :)

The Decware offerings are great, but if buying new, there's about a 4-year waitlist.  Also, they don't have remotes.

Cary Audio has 2 offerings that will fit the budget, but one is a 300B based amp and only makes 15wpc.  That might be fine if you don't listen to loud volumes beyond about 80-85ish dB.

Their SLI100 will have more than enough power, sub outputs, a remote, etc.  Plus, with the number and types of tubes it runs, tube rolling is a nice option in the future.

Integrated Amplifiers | CaryDirect

There's also Raven Audio (Nighthawk) and Rogue Audio (Cronus Magnum), Rogers Audio and Quicksilver Audio.  All are US made offerings with good customer support.

The Quicksilver is really nice looking with 20wpc, but no remote or dedicated RCA's for the sub out.  You would have to run the sub from the speaker terminals.  

Thanks for the recommendations so far.

I have been looking at both Audio Note and Icon tube integrateds, but don't see any with pre-outs to drive a sub.  Anyone verify they can be connected speaker level to both speakers and a sub?

I ask because at one point I was looking at the Luxman SQ-N150 tube integrated.  It doesn't have preouts, but then I also read Luxman does NOT recommend using speaker level connections for a subwoofer.


I definitely recommend looking at an Audio Research I-50. It is simply stunning in its musical presentation and easily within your budget used or as a well worth stretch for a new one. It is built as an audiophile piece of equipment by a well respected company that has helped define what the high end is over the last fifty years. I am impressed once again each time I hear one. It is really a fantastic deal.