Received a Bill for State Tax on An Amp Bought in Canada Last Year

Wow! The envelope said “Dept of Revenue” so I figured it may be my car tags due. I opened the envelope to find a statement that I owed $665 for “use tax” on an amp I bought last year in June.  Shocked is an understatement. Yes, I bought a used amp from a guy in Canada through A’gon. But I paid the tariff on it. Now they also want tax.  However, the amount they are basing it on is over double what I paid for the amp. But had to send it to Don Sachs for repair a few months later. So I wonder if they are seeing that as a separate purchase rather than a repair. They even charged me $43 interest which is more ridiculous IMO.
So the question...Are you required  to pay tax on a used amp or other used  items? Has anyone else encountered this? Yes, I know the states are cracking down on the sales tax. But on used items? Wow


Showing 14 responses by nonoise

Why bother responding to such matters when it's only going to get deleted, again, when they don't like the answer?
This is only an exercise in framing the discussion (deleting valid answers) here to make it look like no one has the answer when it's right in the first sentence of the referenced quote: 
”The Sales Tax does not apply to casual and isolated sales by persons who are not, or
who have been deemed by the Commissioner
not to be engaged in the business of selling tangible personal property or furnishing any of the services subject to the Sales or Use Tax.
The Commissioner deemed otherwise.

All the best,
What alt right idiot took issue with a direct quote from the Constitution of the United States regarding taxation, and only taxation? It had nothing to do with politics and everything to do with the OPs question.

We've got some really sick puppies here.

All the best,
Always with the culture wars. That would never occur to me, but then, I base my thinking on reality. 😄

All the best,
Give it a rest Frank or you'll give Admin the impression that since she's a woman, you won't listen.

Apologies to Admin for the last post above, as I was responding to Frank and missed it. 
Won't do it again.

All the best,
How much would that be, who would decide the amount, and how would it be distributed?
Up until Reagan destroyed the middle class, wages always tracked with productivity. If they were to wave a magic wand, then everyone would see about a 30% increase in their wages, but that will never happen, dontcha know? Again, why should taxpayers pick up the tab for what employers refuse to pay, thus subsidizing the employers?
Would the funds come from families that don't work?
No, ya big silly. They'd come from the uber wealthy who've been benefitting from their decades long plan of redistribution, which has created quite the aristocracy (something our founding fathers were dead set against).
Most likely because the crowd you hang with don't have a clue about the money issue and never discuss it.
This, coming from a gold bug? You're funny.

Why do you see equity as a problem? Why do pundits on FOX and in the GOP call for defunding our military, actually oppose bills to support the cops, call our military leaders "pigs" and "stupid" and you let them get away with it? Right wingers beat and killed cops for crying out loud. Where's your outrage, Frank.

Is it because you don't watch any real news?

All the best,

Hey pauly, did you read what I wrote after you deleted my apology, just 5 posts up? Or you that fired up that you got your post deleted thinking you’ve framed a narrative to make me look bad that you didn't even bother to take a look?

Just getting that notice that a post of yours was removed triggered you that much?

This time, I can say with confidence, that you should have read it before posting so this time, you wouldn’t look like the one with egg on your face. Nothing like having you plan backfire so bigly, eh?

Oh, and by the way, if you want to be left alone, don’t start the problem or even try to frame someone without thinking it through.

All the best,
guess you’re weren’t smart enough to realize one of the URL’s I posted was from the official CA government page right?
I did, and it supports what I’ve already told you. Your comprehension needs lots of work. You originally stated that California’s homeless make up 1 in 4 of it’s residents. I was the one who pointed out that that number was in the nation.

And now, with no other recourse, you go and enact the "cancel culture" that your side invented by having my spanking of you deleted.
How wonderful.

By the way, what state do you live in?
What solutions do you have to handle homelessness in this country?


All the best,

Strange thing about all the money in CA; In spite of "rolling" in money, CA has the largest homeless population in the US. 1 in 4 homeless Americans are Californians.
We have the most populous state, by far, of any in the nation. 40 million people reside here and 2nd place goes to Texas, with 29 million. Put everything into proportion and perspective and your stat, taken out of any sensible context, is weak. One in four families are at the food scarcity level in the entire US, not knowing where their next meal will come from. That’s just the average and in some states, it’s much, much worse.

A lot of the homeless come here to get away from other states that treat them poorly. In fact, some of those states criminalize homelessness and they look down on them, punishing them when they can. Besides, the weather here is mostly nice, year round, so add it all up and Bob’s your uncle.

Using google, look up any state and their homeless rate, and compare that to their population as a whole, and get back to me on what you find out. While doing that, also look into what each state does for their working poor as well as their homeless.

All the best,

PS: a real quick search showed your stats to be misinterpreted, at best, or an outright lie, at worse. 
California has a homeless population of 0.4%, but has 22% of the nation's homeless. 13% of the homeless come from out of state. The rest are residents who fell on hard times, mostly through medical bills that bankrupted them. 

When I bought an amp from Parts Express, I got the wrong model so it had to be sent back and I had another one sent to me. When returning it, I was told to state it was going back for repairs or a mod to avoid any hassle with customs and the whole declarations mess, and that was many years ago.

Things haven't seemed to have changed so I wonder why the OP wasn't informed about it or it could just be some overzealous official in TN.

All the best,
@oregonpapa , once again, you show your true colors when running away from anything that negates the dreck you put out. As much as you hate "liberal California", Rump got more votes from the state than 11 other red states combined.
6,005,961 from California and
5,844,399 from Mississippi, Arkansas, W. Virgina, Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho, N.Dakota, S. Dakota, Utah and Montana combined.

If you want to throw out all that support, fine with me. That, and the writer of that blog is a woman. But you didn’t read all the Bloomberg references, did you? She’s one of the best bloggers out there right now and sources her info very carefully. To dismiss outright what she had to say speaks volumes.

And what do you offer? A far right site funded by a right wing billionaire who’s got this anti-union thing going. Why all the love for fascist agendas?

Don’t forget the two biggest and costliest wars we’ve fought were against such agendas (Civil War and WWII) and yet here you are, advocating for a return to their policies of being so anti worker.
It makes one wonder.......

All the best,

What's with all the lies about California popping up every time taxes come up? Let's see......kool aid + conditionally triggered=stupid statements already disproved.

For those disposed to the long lost act of reading, this should sober you up some (most likely not):

It's why we're +$75 billion in the black. All states have debt. Considering California is the world's 5th largest economy, $1.5 trillion would put it at the top to make it the best operating economy in the world, beating out all the other countries. It's all how you spin it. 

All the best,