R&R HOF Snubs

Name one (and only one) band not in the HOF but who you feel should. I'll begin by nominating Little Feat.


Psychedelic Furs

Echo and the bunnymen


The Specials

Steel Pulse


New Order (Peter Hook)

King Crimson (Fripp)

Toots and the Maytals

Billy Stewart


As the originator of this thread, I whole heartedly agree with all of the subsequent additions. Outstanding suggestions!

"Rock & Roll" HOF

What a joke. In todays "include everybody, no losers" society, just induct all groups from EVERY genre so no one is offended!

The "R&R" definition is too diluted. 

Too bad a committee can't just put down some HARD criteria to keep the questionable nominees out.

I like most of the artists mentioned here. I don't like 'Halls of Fame' or Grammies. This is about art, not statistics, so it should not be a contest. Most of my favorite musical artists are not in the Hall of Fame and never will be, but it bothers me not a jot, and I suspect that most of those particular artists don't care, either. 

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