"must have" accessories for TT and LP?

LIke many others I am ready to take the plunge back into vinyl. In scanning the posts it seems that there should be a list of what you veterans whould consider as essential equipment to tune and maintain a TT and record collection. What would you folks suggest for the items on such a list?
1. ZeroStat
2. Record cleaner/cleaning system
3. Stylus Cleaner
4. Record holddown clamp
5. Stable/reliable speed controller
6. Proper mounting hardware and alignment gauge(s)
Wall mounted turntable shelf

As mentioned above, a record cleaning machine (Nitty Gritty or VPI)

Carbon Fiber brush

Rice paper sleeves
Post removed 
I agree too, except for the clamp. Depends on the turntable. Many will do better with a Ringmat than a clamp (including some that CAME with a clamp). Good luck and have fun.
I sneaked a peak at Jeff's, but here is the complete list of what I consider essential.

Magnifying glass
A couple of small screwdrivers (for those small screws)
Allen wrenches for some tables
Record Cleaner
Stylus Gauge
Test Record like HiFi News (the Cardas record is nice supplement)
Record Brush
Stylus brush (comes with the cartridge)
Level (Clearaudio makes a nice, overpriced one)
Inner and outer record sleeves
A cold drink
All of the above + Dennesen Geometric Soundtracktor and an Oracle Calibrator.
All great suggestions. Let me add: a can of compressed air for blowing away loose dust and an end of record lift device like the Expressimo Lift.
1) The "HiFi" mod made by TWL, depending of course on what kind of arm you have.
2) A good record cleaner, and lots of good LPs.
3) Make sure you have a stable platform for your TT.
I love my Expressimo Lift and Heavy weight on my RB300.
The Wallytractor was the easiest set up tool I've seen.
Love the Hunt EDA brush for quick touch ups of clean vinyl.

You need a good car for mad dashes to used vinyl sites. I prefer a Saab 93 Convertible, you can also use it to dry records after using the Alsop Orbitrac. (Gotta watch for dusty roads however.)
1. DB Systems Protractor
2. Access to a good tracking force gauge like Winds.( If you have friends who listen to LP's chip in for one)
3. A good stiff bristle brush for deep cleaning and a softer one for general cleaning (fluids to match)A stylus brush.
4. Good aftermarket record sleeves to replace the paper and plastic ones your LP's came in.
5. A marginal understanding of VTA(SRA), azimuth, cartridge alignment and tracking force effects on sound and a copy of the Cardas Sweep or HI-Fi News record.
6. Time to listen and enjoy. You can always tweak it later.
All are musts but nobody has mentioned a magnifer glass to examine the needle.David
Ohlala: Cylinderking probably submitted his post while yours was being approved. Kind of "crossed in the mail" type of situation. Sean
Must haves that are missed on this listing:

1 Refridgerator for cartridge and cable storage
2. F1 motorcycle at hand for quick compressed air errand
3. Vibrator w/tuff side of velcro glued for stlyus cleanings
4. 45 adapter for those gaping center hole records
5. Iron running @480 cycles for straightening humped and warped albums
6. British Crown jewels to remove pops and ticks
7. Steroscope glasses for groove inspections & times when I get too anal with my tweezers
8. 3D glasses for the best parts of Mr Roboto
9. Pink insulation for ears while Mr Roboto plays
10.Frisbee press for farged up vinyl that the iron couldn't fix
There is no approval time for this thread, but I could been less rude for sure.
I like and use:

Decca Brush
Ring Mat
Record Clamp

Not a lot of buck$ invested and I get great sound, ease of use and very economical.

Happy Listening
Disc Doctor cleaning fuid is supposed to be the best.I make a home brew given to me by one of the engineers atVP.Empty out 1 Gal of distilled watter into a bowl or two.Add I pint rubbing alcohol into jug.The add 2-3 DROPS of clear dish liquid (rember the "clear" product craze a few years ago?Evrything including clear cola!):ast 2-3 drops of Kodak Photoflow which is a chemical which breaks down fluids (any fuid including plian water) surface tension therby making it flow across surface more easily.Works great.Wheras I haven't used Disc Dr. I have used Tourumat fluid with my VPI 16.5 vaccum machine.Seemed to soften pops on beaters.But the single mostimportant accessory is the LAST record preservative.Again the chief tech at VPI said it this way "I don't sell it so make nothing out of recommnding it.But I wouldn't go without it.Folks bring me LP's at shows where wqe demo our machines and when they use a cleaner to get rid of residue from the release compounds off the LP than just clean it with water and use the LAST preservative ,well I have heard Lp's with 500 plays that sound like they have been played 10 times!!!!"It's expensive when you look at what the price per Oz. is but is one of the very few TRUE bargains in this overpriced hobby.Oh yeah don't forget your VPI Rice paper Sleeves!!!lastly I have myeye out for very fine sand paper to clean styli with as the one thing that does make me nervous is that fluid cleaner could loosen the bond between cantaliever and needle and I don't want it to "creep" up the assmembly and gunk up my coils.
Disk Doctor products with vacuum suck-off.
Replacement inner sleeves for stock paper ones.
De-claw the kitty before it uses your LP collection as a personal scratching post. Seriously.
Learn how to setup and align a cart and arm. It's really not that difficult.
Record Research Labs cleaning fluids - They don't require rinse cycles, and thus don't leave behind a film that requires additional work (rinsing) to remove. It also doesn't leave behind a sonic signature as most fluids do.

Record Research Labs LP#9 - Works wonderfully and is a bargain, considering I've had the same bottle for 4 years.

Record Vacuum cleaner - Beit the top of the line VPI 17.0 or the Record Doctor from Audio Advisor, record cleaning machines help you gently and effectively clean your records. I have the VPI 16.5 for the home, and the Record Doctor at the lake cabin. Both do a great job.

And of course all the other goodies mentioned above. I picked up 7 very nice microscopes at a local college auction sale on a pallet for $40, which is less than you'd pay for one good unit. The other 6 microscopes were given to other audio friends as gifts.

Regarding the torpedo level, it seems that I'd bought one from McMaster-Carr for less than $20 about 5 years ago. They may be a great place to find a quality level at a reasonable price?
Yes of course the only product that really works:A.R.T. TR-30 SQUALAN OIL[http://www.arthifi.it/ENG_tr30.htm]
The AR turntable, anyone know how to remotor? Recently bought the TT mentioned above. Was made in 84 and appears to have a motor going out. A friend of mine has a very similar model and year and his makes the same grating noise which emanates from the motor with no belt attached. Must be their time to go. I can't figure out how to take the pulley off of the motor shaft. The motor in below the deck and the pulley is above. This has to come apart to replace the motor. It appears that the pulley has some glue attaching it to the shaft. There does not seem to be any set screws or clips of any kind. Would love to hear from anyone who has done this. Thanks,
Record Research Products are the best product out there. They are a real bargain and very easy to use. Consistently maintains very high quality control standards. Best products for maintaining vinyl, without question, hands down, etc.,etc.,etc.
1 forget the wall mount shelf until you decide which table
2 record cleaning machine if in budget, especially if buying used
3 record cleaning anti static brush before each use
4 stylus cleaning brush to keep micro bits from clinging to diamond
5 make certain that you have an after market cable for virtually any table/arm on the market...this is a must, without it you will not get all the sonics the cartridge is delivering
6 some type of sweep record like the Cardas Sweep Record
7 cartridge set up device if in the budget especially if you don't have a competent set up person. The device will align the cartridge to the arm and allow proper tracking
8 cartridge tracking force gauge, simple or digital sophisticated also required if you don't have a set up person
9 Records that don't have humps, bumps, out of centre wows and scratches and too many pops & ticks
10 a proper level, a level table is makes a good table great
11 speed control device, the Cardas Sweep will check this
12 clean ears
13 quiet room

Enjoy the music!
I like Decca Brush, Gruv Glide, Wally Tractor. All very economical and offer substantial sound enhancement and ease of use!
I have the Decca 2+2 brush as well as a Hunt EDA and I prefer the Decca. A spare belt is a good thing to have around, if it's not a DD 'table, obviously. Make sure you check the belt periodically to make it sure it's doing OK. This seems to get overlooked alot. I agree that a good vacuum cleaning system makes a big difference, I have the VPI 16.5 but you can get used Nitty Grittys for very reasonable prices.