question about an eBay seller

I hope this isn't inappropriate. There's a seller on eBay that posts ads relatively often for stereo equipment, much of it familiar high-end stuff. Sonus Faber, Macintosh, Bryston, B&W, etc. They have a low opening bid ($1) and make it clear that anyone can make an offer through their website; if it's accepted, they'll take down the eBay ad. 

The ads usually offer little information about the item ("excellent" or "nice") and instead have a multi-colored, big-font explanation: "This is a stock liquidation, I have closed my business (pawnshop). Stock Liquidation. Make an offer and we will close the auction for you." The seller ships from California. Thousands of 100% positive reviews. But ... the link for the seller's profile identifies the company as a motorcycle parts company in the UK. 

And sometimes it looks completely fishy. They are currently listing a Bryston 4B3 right now. And at the same time there is a second ad, clearly the same ad and same picture, apparently from Hong Kong (but the same California shipping address). 

Has anyone waded in or tried to contact them--or looked at their "store"? I'm assuming it's all ??? but, if so, I'm baffled by how they can operate so long on eBay. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding what's going on. Obviously it's not a big deal but, well, I'm curious. Hackers? 

If this is outside the policies of this forum, please delete, ye gods of Audiogon!
LOL Log on have THEM get a hold of the FBI or ATF or the doggone CIA with the winning bid.. Have them give a shipping address, Federal Penitentiary Fort Leavenworth, KS, 66027

I saw those ads before from the same seller you are taking about, not just hifi gears, collector wathces too. A day later, all the ads got deleted.
I used to report every listing of theirs I saw. Ebay does not tolerate them and they prompt in removing their postings. I honestly don't know how they are able to keep opening new accounts all the time. They're bums.
@rsf507 , you're absolutely right. I'll do it. 

And just in case I wasn't being clear, I had no interest in buying from them. I wasn't looking for advice on the traps of used purchases, though I appreciate the concern. I just figured that I wasn't the only one out here landing on their ads (via hifishark, eg) and was curious if anyone had tried to contact them, etc. I've noticed their ads for a while and I can't imagine why eBay tolerates it; they must have some algorithm to detect this stuff. 
general rule dealing with expensive stuff that a lot folks are interested in (hifi, cars, watches, wine, art, and so on...)

if it looks too good to be true, it usually is 

yes there can be exceptions sometimes, though rare, and you can take a risk to pursue it, but that is exactly what you would be doing, so be prepared for the more likely outcome
Actually, I’m more interested that they can get away with it for so long on eBay. Do they not monitor any of this? It’s not subtle. (And to be clear, I was not looking to buy from them. I was just interested in how they operate.)
100% this is a scam! Among other things they are directing you to a site outside of eBay, this is against basic eBay rules alone. The next question is why? Obvious, so they can scam you.
Post removed 
They hacked another account. If you look at what they sold a completely different array of stuff appears. It is a scam. Always look at the sold items to verify the type of items they normally sell.
It's a scam, 100% the list goes on and on then contact them IF you want to outright buy 10k of new equipment for 1k or something.. ALL BS.

Minimum bids with US ratings and US confirmed addresses. Do your homework.. I've seen the fakes on Ebay for 15+ years. They come and go pretty quick.. Just ask Ebay if you question their creds..
