Preamps better than Parasound JC-2 ?

I am looking to try out the active preamp route in my system. The TVC has served me very well. But when I want to play my wife's iPod or try to connect a Logitech bluetooth adaptor, there is simply not enough gain in my system.
Since I have a Parasound A-21, I am naturally looking to a JC-2 from Parasound. I was wondering if anyone on this forum as come across a killer (non-tube) preamp that is in the same price range, that can beat the JC-2. If the sound quality of the recommended preamp equals that of JC-2 and the cost is below JC-2, that would be preferred. I am eying the Oppo 105D or the newly released Yamaha CD-S2100 as my future source upgrade. Rest of my system is listed on this site.
I have not visited audio stores in more than 3 years, nor have I been to any trade shows, hence asking for feedback.

For a tube preamp Audio Horizons TP2.3 with full mods is the biggest sleeper I know of in high end audio.
I have a Bryston BP6 in my system and it's the closest thing to "straight wire with gain" I've heard in my system, so I agree Bryston preamps may be a very good option given your experience with a passive pre. Crystal clear transparency with an expansive and very dimensional and layered soundstage with pinpoint imaging is how I'd describe it. There's a nice BP26 for sale here now that has balanced connections and is about $1000 less than a used JC2. You could always sell it for little/no loss if it's not to your liking. Best of luck.
Thank You for the suggestion. But the BP17 does not have XLR in. I want that for my future "source" purchases.

I did not think of connecting an inexpensive line stage to the TVC before. Thank you for suggesting that. Yeah, I do love the TVC so much.
"I have planned to get the preamp on loan and listen to it in my system next weekend. If that does not work, then I might have to look at some higher sensitivity speakers."

That's really the best way to do it. Then you'll know for sure. If the JC-2 doesn't work out, you don't have to get rid of your speakers. If you just need to add ipod and bluetooth to the system, you can always get an inexpensive active line stage and plug it into one of the inputs on your TVC. That should fix the whole mess without loosing sound quality.
I have owned both Parasound and Bryston gear over the past 20 years, and both provide excellent sound quality and value. At present, I am using a Parasound JC3 phono stage with a Bryston BP17 preamp. The BP17 has not gotten much publicity in the audio press, but I have been VERY impressed with it. It's 20 year warranty is unbeatable, and it is about $500 less expensive than the JC2. Before you buy, try to audition the BP17 -- I think you'll like what you hear.
Thanks folks. I did listento the JC-2 in the dealers system. The system as a whole sounded nice.....but that did not mean much to me, since I do not know that system. One thing I am not sure about the JC-2 is - would it be as clean as my TVC?
I have planned to get the preamp on loan and listen to it in my system next weekend. If that does not work, then I might have to look at some higher sensitivity speakers.
MODWRIGHT makes some of the most musical Tube based preamps I have heard. I recommend the SWL 9.0 (older) or the 36.5 line stage, with tube rectified power supply (newer). Also, the LS100 is the Newest preamp they make.
I will not be selling my TVC. It is a awesome piece of gear. Nick had put in the Elma switches, stuffed with cotton, etc. It really is transparent.
Most review of the JC-2 are glowing and I plan to audition it in a day or 2 at the local dealer. If I buy the JC-2, it is going to be from my local dealer. I will find out if I have a Ayre dealer around. Thank You for suggesting that. Also I will be requesting a home audition of the JC-2, because I know my system so well. I don't know how the home auditions works though. They might ask for some security deposit, which I am perfectly fine.
I've heard the JC2 several times in a friend's system with JC1s and Vandersteen 5As and the sound quality was superb.

The JC2 is hard to beat at that price point.
I'm not exactly sure what the JC-2 costs, but I feel you would probably be safe with an Ayre K-5. When I say safe, I mean that you are going to buy without listening. My personal opinion is that anything less, will not sound as good as your passive.