Preamp for monoblock BAT amps

I have a pair of monoblock BAT VK-55 SE's driving Vandersteen Fives. Front end concentrates almost exclusively on analog reproduction (self-built Lenco-based table with Kuzma Stogi Reference arm/ZYX Airy 3 cartridge/Custom built tube phono stage).

I am currently in the market for a preamplifier to marry with the rest. If it were you, which pieces on the used market would you first audition? I am open to tubes, SS, or passive. I currently have a Bent NOH which ALWAYS sounds excellent, but has somewhat limited headroom in this configuration.
Thanks to all! I tired to post again earlier, but apparently my post are not being approved by the moderator (?)
I'm planning to give a used Ayre K-1XE in this system as a first foray away from passive. Will respond with impressions later.
I have listned to a lot of pre amps ....Modwright, McIntosh, Primaluna, BAT VK30se, Manley labs. I would recommend any of them over a BAT with 6H30's. The sound was very dry and uninvolving and I couldn't stand listening to it. Try out at least 3-4 different ones it is a key piece to get correct! Good luck.
I had a pair of BAT VK 55 mono's and used several BAT pre's and was never really happy until I used Ralph's MP 3 with the updated regulator and Teflon caps. Then everything opened up. Bass was more palpable midrange was clear and cymbals sparkled. I would strongly suggest that combination. My turntable is a SP 10 with the "krebs" mod with A3 Soundlabs and the Atma-sphere fleshed out all those mono's were capable of.
How long are your interconnect cables? Do you want to drive the BAT balanced (which is what its designed for)?
Thanks to you both. I considered BAT, of course, but have seen a few comments about them being a little slow and "fat" with some other equipment. I have appreciated ARC and Aesthetix pieces in the system of friends so I might give that a shot. :)
Something from BAT would be a logical choice. Ayre K1, Aesthetix, and maybe the ARC that Hansk46 mentions, but if you can't audition it first, I would pass on it.
I 'm using the Audio Research REF 3 with the BAT VK1000
monoblocks , it is a marriage in heaven , as the BAT's do have a perfect input impedance which the AR likes to see.( 100kOhm)