Pre Amp comparisons

Pass XP 30 vs Levinson 52 thoughts? I have the XP 30 now thinking of buying another ref pre amp.
Pre amps considering:
Boulder 2110
Boulder 2010
Ayre KXR Twenty 
Pass XS 
Dartzeel not a fan of the gold color

The Audiophiliac (Steve Guttenberg) had a review about the $10,000 Audio Research LS-28SE recently. He liked it better than his  Pass XP 30  reference (he still really, really likes the Pass, however).
Post removed 
these questions as stated are impossible to answer in any really helpful way

no info on system or room
no info on musical taste
no info on priorities for making a choice
why those as ones being considered, when there are many other top 'reference' level preamps

waste of bandwidth
Benchmark LA4 is reference class if you do not want to hear the preamp. I do not want to hear a preamp.

There is a 30 day free trial offer to do a head-to-head comparison with anything else you have in the house.
Thanks guys for the responses! I'm just getting the itch to add a new preamp to replace my dearly loved Pass X1 that I will be selling after two decades. I have owned that pre amp forever and still really like it but I would like to get something to replace it that is more on par with the XP 30. I absolutely love where my main system is at today. I have been playing with audio gear for 45 years and my current system with the XP30, 33h etc will give me chills and absolutely blow me away with every semi seriously listening session. It will play at rock concert levels with the 33h's in cruise mode and play so beautifully and delicate, warm and full for the 2am ultra quiet listening sessions. The Dynaudio Consequence UE at mid to high listening levels will be a tidal wave of audio bliss and a ridicules wall of sound and late at night at low volume play and disappear like a TAD Me-1 or Dynaudio c1 on a Kondo tube amp. imho 

Amps: Levinson 33h, & 436, MC 275, pass xp-30, Pass  X1, Sony ta-a1
Sony hap z1 hi res streamer
Speakers, Dynaudio Consequence UE main speakers, Evidence Temptation,C2, C1 part time  
Cables Levinson Strings and CZ Gel, Dynaudio ocos speaker cables

I listen to everything except rap, Dave Matthews, older Genesis, Disturbed, Miles Davis, Chet Baker, Diana Krall, Shelby Lynne, Al Di meola, Pink Floyd etc 

Part of me is thinking KXR or 2110 I have owned enough audio gear over the last 45 years its shameful, Have never had an Ayre or Boulder product before,  Plus Xmas is right around the corner :)

Sorry for rambling 
Thanks guys for the responses! I'm just getting the itch to add a new preamp to replace my dearly loved Pass X1 that I will be selling after two decades. I have owned that pre amp forever and still really like it but I would like to get something to replace it that is more on par with the XP 30. I absolutely love where my main system is at today. I have been playing with audio gear for 45 years and my current system with the XP30, 33h etc will give me chills and absolutely blow me away with every semi seriously listening session. It will play at rock concert levels with the 33h's in cruise mode and play so beautifully and delicate, warm and full for the 2am ultra quiet listening sessions. The Dynaudio Consequence UE at mid to high listening levels will be a tidal wave of audio bliss and a ridicules wall of sound and late at night at low volume play and disappear like a TAD Me-1 or Dynaudio c1 on a Kondo tube amp. imho 

Amps: Levinson 33h, & 436, MC 275, pass xp-30, Pass  X1, Sony ta-a1
Sony hap z1 hi res streamer
Speakers, Dynaudio Consequence UE main speakers, Evidence Temptation,C2, C1 part time  
Cables Levinson Strings and CZ Gel, Dynaudio ocos speaker cables

I listen to everything except rap, Dave Matthews, older Genesis, Disturbed, Miles Davis, Chet Baker, Diana Krall, Shelby Lynne, Al Di meola, Pink Floyd etc 

Part of me is thinking KXR or 2110 I have owned enough audio gear over the last 45 years its shameful, Have never had an Ayre or Boulder product before,  Plus Xmas is right around the corner :)

Sorry for rambling 
Other than Dave Matthews, love your taste in music.  I would add two products to your list:

I am going to throw out an option because I think it was interesting and was just putting together a quote for a customer on it.  Have you looked at the AVM Ovation 8.3.  Completely modular design.  If you want SS or Tube Output stage, it can be added.  They have a variety of inputs including ones with tone controls.  You choose what you want.  

Michael Fremer reviewed the 8.2 for Stereophile at this link:

It is obviously a recommended component but I suppose that is worth what you paid for it.  The cool part about it is you only need to add what you need.  I think fully loaded, it can be $35K.  With Normal configuration, it is right in the price range with the rest of these.  

The other I would add to your list is the Soulution 725.  Pretty fabulous unit.  A friend has on in his system and admittedly, he is insane in what he spends (he has the Tyco streamer), he believes this was worth every nickel he paid for it.  
Your musical taste won't have anything to do with this. Amps and preamps have to be faithful to the signal, not the genre :)  What makes it good for one genre will make it good for another.

Do you want a balanced preamp or single-ended?

You really owe it to yourself to audition an Audio Research Reference preamp or the LS28 SE that Steve Guttenberg reviewed. An ARC preamp will work with any amp and will give you the best combination of resolution, dynamics and textural detail. 
Will check out the AVM
Can do both but mostly prefer bal
ARC is on the list to look at as well.
I love the XP30 its not going anywhere! I just enjoy swapping gear in and out of my main system. I have been living with the XP30 and X1 for a long time. I have not been paying attention to the latest preamp offerings. I love the Pass XP30, Levinson 33h running this through Dynaudio Consequence UE is stunning in everyway! Just looking for a new linstage, something different other than the Pass.

I am defiantly going to take Benchmark up on their offering of an in house trial for 30 days. I absolutely love their business model. Unlike Levinson, great products with zero customer service. That company had a huge dedicated customer base and killed it. Mind blowing to me how they have run some d bags of these big corporations run the company into the ground. Hard working passionate engineers come up with amazing products and d bags killed the company off with zero customer support and vision after you spend almost 100k on their products! kudos Harmon International!!