Power isolator versus need for a better Power supply

I have a transparent power isolator, and a component with a Wall wart power supply.

If I plug the wall wart into the power isolator, does this precluding need to replace the wall wart for a better Power supply (ie. Ifi, etc). Doesn’t Power isolator clean things up before electricity arrives at the Wall wart?

I asked this question and didn't get a very good answer from the dealer that would be selling me a Power supply to replace the wall wart assuming I need to do it



Showing 1 response by erik_squires

Cheap wall warts could push noise both back into the "clean" side of the power isolator and provide less than ideal power upstream.

Will a better support like an iFi help your sound quality?  I don't know, really, but I do encourage people to keep dirty power supplies outside of the clean side of a power conditioner.