power cable length importance

is it true that a 2 meter power cord length is recomended to have the best possible filtration?
Someone here said that no shorter than 5' so 2 meters should be fine. I am sure it also depends on particular brand and model to various degree.
Depends on the manufacturer's design of the PC. Is the cable shielded and how it is designed to block RFI/EMI from entering or exiting the equipment it is connected to.
Since a power cord is composed of a hot and neutral wire that the component sits between, a change in the length of the cord will increase the size of the "buffer" around the component. In the specific case of Shunyata Research -- we use patented noise-isolating geometries, shielding and a patented compound that absorbs EMI in some power cord models. Increasing the length of the cable, increases the noise isolation, or coupling effect to the ZrCa-2000 compounds, therefore increasing the performance of the cable.

In general, Shunyata Research does not recommend a power cord that is shorter than 3 feet or 1 meter in length for performance ease of use and, or resale reasons. Of course, subtle degrees of audio performance are not the only consideration when putting together an audio system. Aesthetics are also important especially when the system is located in a beautiful home. I just point out the performance differences so that people can make an informed decision when determining the optimum length for their cables.
The length of the cable matters only if you are the size of an electron being whipped about in nano space.In short no one who is a human being can hear any difference.Sorry to dispel your mythos but thats life kiddo.
I suggest, kiddo, you replace your interconnects and speaker cables with something more appropriate for an audiophile system. And if you cannot hear a difference - that's tough.
That electric travels about 3100 mile per 1000 ms. Just think how many trips it made through the power utility power transformer, the neighbors wiring, and appliances, who knows what else, in about 1000ms. Hmmm...
ALL those things does not matter Hifihvn! I have a dedicated hifi socket with a special AWG14 hifi power cable (shielded, stranded) routed - total 60 feet! And I have ordinary socket nearby, same AWG14, good old solid copper wire - exept that there always better voltage in a dedicated socket, there is no difference in sound! But when I compare various additional hifi ccables, its easy to see that they all sound different, and have own characters! Good, old true - LAST METER COUNTS MOST. WHY, I HAVE NO IDEA!
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Nor does anyone else, nor could anyone replicate with AB testing. The world is flat too you know.....
I'm with SnoFun on this. How the last couple of feet for a transmission line that is probably miles long could make any difference is a mystery to me...

Mjordanas, there is really no first or last in an AC loop. It's all part of the loop, and needed to complete the continuous AC cycle that cycles back and forth. A break anywhere in it kills the power. Pangea has decent prices on their cords. This place advertises here at times.[http://www.audioadvisor.com/prodinfo.asp?number=PGAC14&variation=2]
At least you admit you don't know. That's a step in the right direction.
The power for a typical residential house starts at the utility power transformer, that is after all a split phase isolation transformer. Or as some call balanced power....

A power cord is an extension of the leads of the primary winding of the power transformer of a piece of audio equipment. And is not the last few feet of a branch circuit.

For you naysayer you might want to do some research on the subject.
Just to name three names....

The late Robert Crump. Audio equipment designer, and....
Jon Risch. A well known and respected EE.
The late Al Sekela. A well known and respected EE.


12-30-11: Jea48
The power for a typical residential house starts at the utility power transformer, that is after all a split phase isolation transformer. Or as some call balanced power....
If your speaking to me, read my post again. Perhaps your confused.
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Jea48, we do have ties to the actual grid. Even our cable company complained about the power from the substation feeding my neighborhood. The transformers don't give total isolation. A slight phase shift at the generators do reflect it at the home. But, getting back to the cable issue, the utility is putting some capacitor banks on the primary somewhere(at least the engineer from the cable told me this), and they (utility engineers) think that there may be welders somewhere that may be fed by one of the static lines and generators. It could be even 40-80 miles away. I saw some strange tape wrapped around the insulators (in two substations) fed from the static lines to see if the arcing on them will decrease, and decrease the customers noise. My system is still sounding great though. Good power supplies I imagine.
The full scentific description of power cord length for optimum sound quality. And I preface this with that ALL CABLE Manufactures agree on this whether they put in print or not. "The Power Cable should be of adequate length to extend from the outlet to the component without stretching or requiring additional mechanical fasteners to remain attached to said outlet or component"
Rok2id, I am afraid he might borrow additional cable from future cables, leaving future generations....powerless!

Sorry had to say it!
OMG , really. What I cant believe is that there are still people in this hobby who dont hear differences in power cables. they all sound different, not always better, and sometimes worse than cheap cables. Why are we still having this conversation? You can hear the difference in A B tests by the way.
Personally, speaker cable, XLR cables is nothing but a bunch of hype. I can't believe the money people spend on speaker cables etc. If you want your system to sound better invest in better equipment. People actually spend 2K on speaker cable and more. Why I don't know because if you think you can actually hear a difference. Then god love ya! Let's face it as you get older your hearing diminishes. If there is a difference it is very small. I can't see spending that kind of money on such a small difference even if there is any. All I can say the manufactures are making a lot of money. Here is an example, a buddy of mine that he says he can hear the difference as well. So I but his ears to the test. He had very expensive speaker cables that he thought were the best out there. I came over with monster cables hooked them up to his system. Did not let him know what they were monster cables. First word out of his mouth, WOW THOSE CABLES SOUND GOOD! After I told him what they were he couldn't believe it. Moral of the story is, 5 hundred sounded as good as his 2k speaker cable.
The people at Nordost believe that longer cables will sound better, especially power cords. Their explanation or analogy goes something like this: Strike a 1 meter pole and the sound will be thin without much decay - strike a 2 and then 3 meter pole and the sound begins to round out get richer. They feel the cord needs the longer length to have a chance to do it's magic. Of course up to a point were the Length would be detrimental I suppose.
Filtration? I'd suggest the advantage of a shorter power cable is that it is less of an antenna.

Dancer: 500$ worth of Monster? ouch. Balanced cables have an advantage in noise rejection and are therefore worth it to some. Inexpensive, or not wacky expensive, at least, cables are easily found....Guitar Center, for example.

Microphonic power cable? And worried about its resonant frequency? please.
Monster Sigma are not that bad especially with some speakers; in fact, can be quite good. I heard them.
Price is not everything sure, some cables are very overpriced.
If some of the internet buzz is true and ESpecially the letter exchange with BlueJeans, I'd disqualify monster simply because of poor / predatory business practices. Regardless of price, which I think can easily be beaten at any performance level by several others.....