Power cable for tube output cdp

I have an eastern electric minimax cdp and am interested in buying an aftermarket power cable. I'd spend up to $250, just looking for suggestions for this particular cdp. More generally, does copper, gold, or silver mate well with tube equipment? Thanks for your time everyone.
You need to contact "Jejaudio" to see if DCCA Powerwave 2 is still available. At $150 is a steal. I borrowed this from Jejaudio and the cord is still in excellent condition.
Boa you are right,then the Powerwave DCCA ia good choice.
Hifijunkie is correct maybe a demo with extra additional
dollars will help.
You can always ask Don from DCCA and see if he has any demo models available which are considerably less than the recommended retail price! Highly recommended!
DCCA - The Source power cable!
Use it on my Consonance DROPLET CD Player with great results!!!
Hifijunkieoz (Threads | Answers)

01-06-07: Jayctoy
I agree with Hifijunkieoz.
He said his budget was $250. The Source is $550.

I would recommend trying out an Audio Horizons cord. $195 and a money back guarantee.
DCCA - The Source power cable!
Use it on my Consonance DROPLET CD Player with great results!!!
JPS Labs Digital AC. Last time I checked, someone had one listed at around your budget.
I generally like silver with tubes and on my player, a Tube Technology Fusion CD64 I use a great cheap silver cable, the Audio Magic Xstreme. It does the trick nicely at around $100 bucks. Happy listening!
So many options: Blue Circle BC61, Kimber PK14, Signal Cable, DH Labs Power Plus.
Forgot to mention some details. According to the manufacturer's site, the El Nino PC is OCC copper. It's a rather stiff cord. List price is $180, which is about 12% of my player's cost.
I've found the Acoustic Zen El Nino to do good things with my tubed CDP, a JAS Audio Musik 1.2
More generally, does copper, gold, or silver mate well with tube equipment?

There is no evidence that rarer metals such as silver or gold provide any benefit over ordinary and much cheaper copper. Gold plated contacts do not tarnish as quickly as regular contacts so this may confer a slight advantage in humid environments or after many years. Why not save your money for a real component upgrade?