Playing CDs sounds better than Qobuz — dammit

I’ve built a decent HeadFi rig over the past few months and am quite happy with it streaming Qobuz as a source via my iPad/iPhone.  I recently brought my CD player into the rig as there are some reference CDs I need that aren’t available on Qobuz.  Well, I made the mistake of playing some CDs and compared them to Qobuz, and in every case the CD sounds better — specifically a quieter background and more transparency overall.  I’ve got good cables from the dongle out of my iPad to the USB cable that runs to my DAC for streaming, so let’s leave cables out of the discussion for now because I think this goes deeper than that.  Needless to say I’m pretty disappointed right now because I’ve enjoyed not spinning discs over the past year or so and certainly don’t wanna go back to buying CDs again.  Ugh.

So, what I’m thinking is that streaming over WiFi through my iDevices may be the bottleneck.  IF that’s the case and I need to up my streaming game, what would be the cheapest way to go to overcome the bottleneck?  My thought is going hardwired (which I can do) to something like an iFi Stream or maybe a ProJect Streambox, but just wondering if that’d get it done?  Something else?  I need something pre-made and won’t wrestle with doing a Raspberry Pi with hats, etc. as I have no patience for configuring/troubleshooting tech.  Thanks for any advice/thoughts. 


It doesnot have to be  there are a lot of factors  your cables have a very lot to do

wth this wifi no way vs and wire from modem to router Is important ,I use a AQ Diamond , use Wireworld for a 10 m run, ,the key is the beginning  and much more so End point .to the computer 

uptone audio Ether regen Ethernet hub  truly cleans and regen s digital signal , the most important Ethernet cable without question is from the hub to the I computer server 

which I use a AQ Diamond  the usb a AQ Diamond it sounds very good ,using a Terminator 2dac ,I plan on  buying a DCS Bartok when deal gets through with my brother.

the new Synergistc research new  Ethernet  hub is a game changer for streaming ,my brothers bought one And even compared  To my very good Uptone audio hub this makes streaming much more real ,but is $2200 with ice power cord . I will have to save a couple months . In audio it never ends, always short on $$ funds !!

You do not need to hardwire a streamer. Just get a wall wart wifi extender and put next to your streamer… plug into that. Put as much into the streamer as you can…. It makes a difference. As I may have said, I have owned $3K, $5K, $10K, and $22K streamers and each brought a huge increase in sound quality. You can add little tweaks like a Ethernet regenerator… etc. The important thing is to get a great streamer. 

Not sure this will help… but I recently tried to improve my streaming SQ because I was disappointed that my iPad via camera adapter (usb) sounded better than coax from my node 2i to my “new” Gustard x26 pro DAC. I thought at the time that the reason why was because the usb implementation was superior to coax (And that may well be at least partially true….. I don’t know) on the Gustard. So I ordered the Ifi stream and updated the cat cables when hooKing up my new Ifi directly to Gustard via usb. Long story short the iFi wasn’t for me, but I now believe that the adaptor sounded better (again, at least partially) because my wifi sounded better then Ethernet connection. I came to that conclusion because I changing my Ethernet cables to Cat 8’s made the node2i sounds better via coax then the iPad via adaptor. Total cost was $30 bucks for two 6 foot linkup cat 8’s.



Yes CD's beat any streamers I've heard regardless of the DAC used. Convenience is not there yet. Best wishes.

My Marantz SACD7S3 has crushed every streamer I have tried so far. And that makes me happy.