Phono Stage Opinions

I have an Audio Research LS 7 Preamp also a Technics SA 300 Receiver.
I tried the receiver phono stage on the AR preamp and it sounds decent.
Should I purchase an inexpensive phono stage or use this one ?
Thank you
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I'm sorry, but i have to remind that iPhono is Made in China and MANY users have a problems with brand new units. Some users replaced 2-3 units under warranty and still have got serious problems. This phono stage must be avoided, seriously. I have tried one in my system, there is NO optional loading for MM cartridges, only for MC.  Surely not all of them are defective, but i've posted a links to another forum and even here on audiogon we have reports from some users about defective iPhono 2. In my opinion this phono stage is a crappy one. Serious phono stages are hand build by designers, but the iphono simply made in China.   
save up a little and get the highly regarded IfI Iphono2 under $499. very good for the money MM/MC with tons of loading options. You would honestly need to spend well over $1k to get close to the performance of the IFI. 
Buy yourself a JLTi phono stage for about $750 USD if you will convert the price from AUD. It can be supplied with special power supply for a bit higher price. If your budget is limited just buy one without special PSU and nothing can beat it at this price and at much higher price. 
This is both self-serving and sincere.  I began my vinyl era about 10 years ago with the NAD PP2.  I had nothing to compare and was happy for years.  I upgraded about 1.5 years ago to the Project Tube Box DS and loved the improvement.  I have been building an ARC system and picked up a PH5 a few weeks ago and again loved the improvement.  My Project is for sale here.  It retailed for $700 when I got it for $600 and now it retails for $400 after discounts.  I have it listed at $299.  If you don't want to mess with mine, pick up a new one for $400.  I think you will be pleased.  Good luck!
@rocky1313 is the SL-1600 a mk2 or mk1? The mk2 is a very nice turntable. Either would work very nicely with a modest cartridge upgrade to an Audio Technica VM540ML, which is a mid-high compliance moving magnet design. As for the phono stage, I’d say stick with the in-built preamp on the SA-300 receiver if you like the sound. It might benefit from replacing the caps and resistors with new, 1% precision tolerance parts. Another direction that you could explore is the excellent NAD PP2 phono preamp. I would recommend an upgraded power supply like I did (a 2 amp 24vdc regulated power supply of my own design with massive filter caps, which really cleans up the noise floor and improves dynamic range. I’ve also upgraded the op-amp to a Burson discrete V6 Classic Duo, and wired the input with balanced wire all the way from the turntable with XLR connections. A little more than you asked for, but fun if you’re good with the soldering iron. 
"it sounds decent"

Trust your ears. You answered your own question.

The built in will sound better than any $250+ stand alone box.

Subjectively, you may need to spend considerably more. If changing things up are important, I would look  for a nice High output MC Oor MMin that price range.

Better yet, just buy and listen to more records.

Sweet! If sounds good than don't worry, can't even think of what to suggest at your price point. I know the Gold Note PH-10 is so versatile it accepts to turntables and does MM or MC cartridges with many possible settings but it also is about $1000 more than you want to spend. I'd say just enjoy what you have and maybe save for something like the PH-10.
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I have 3 turntables: (1 )Lenco L75...Audio Technica cartridge ( all stock )
(2) B & O   LX2 with MMi 3  cartridge
(3) Technics SL 1600 with Empire cartridge
My price point...around $250. but phono stage on SA300 does sound good.
@rocky what's your TT, arm, cartridge? When you say inexpensive what's your price point?