Perhaps useless, but today is National Dog Day........

I guess "His Master's Voice" is part of audio/recording history.....yes, slow day here.
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I had to comfort my dog today and reassure her she would not be some evil neighbor’s dinner. She is very sensitive! ✌️

I had to comfort my dog today and reassure her she would not be some evil neighbor’s dinner. She is very sensitive! ✌️

I've been telling my dogs that very thing since last night and all day today.  I don't know if I have managed to convince them.

Then there are the Weiner dog races in Buda, Texas. Dauchshounds racing competitively. We went shortly after we got to Texas, and though we don’t have any dogs (cats, many), we had a blast. Folks took this really seriously, which made it even more fun. If I had a ranch or farm, I’d have a bunch of critters. Love animals, but not the kind that bite, gore ya, or trample you. Dogs are a good thing in this life I especially like those Blue Tick Hounds. Smart and friendly.

we had a blast. Folks took this really seriously, which made it even more fun. 

There was probably some heavy betting going on.


My wife and I don’t have kids -- we have dogs -- and they add immeasurably to our quality of life. As such, they are certainly worth celebrating!

To circle this back around to audio, TEK Audio (service facility for Jay’s Audio and a handful of other audio lines) is in Buda.

Well I think dogs are safe (for the time being), but you'd all better keep your cats indoors.

Just kidding, or maybe not.......

I did a midlife career change and I graduated from a RN program in '08.  I won't go into all the gory details, but I often say that about the only good thing I got out of my new career was becoming a dog lover.  Since '08, dogs have, as @stuartk  typed, added immeasurably to our lives as  well. Now we have three of them, each with his and her own distinct personality, and we love all of them.


I hear they’re a very popular late night entertainment among the staff at Buckingham palace, after the royals have gone to bed...