Pass Int-150 or Int-30A for PMC Speakers?

I have listened to PMC speakers (GB1i, FB1i, OB1i) with various integrated (Bryston B100&135, Simaudio 340i, Krell s300i, NAD M3) and was not closed to being satisfied. So I have decided to splurge a little to get Pass Labs integrated. Has anyone tried Int-150/30A or their amp version (x150.5/XA30.5) with PMC FB1i? What's each combination like?

Seems like many people match OB1i with Int-150 but am curious to hear what PMCs sound like with the Pass Labs Class A setup...

I will be using NAD M51 as DAC.
Haven't responded back with what direction I ended up going in . So here it is I ended up with the XA 100.5 amps and XP-20 Pre-Amp and the combination is excellent. The meters never move even during the loudest most dynamic symphonic passages. Even during the 1812 Overture when the Cannons go off.

I have thought the same thing that the combination of amp (xa30) and pre-amp (xp10/20) might provide more drive than the integrated is capable of.

Hi Chuck,
I know you mentioned INT30A bottomed out on your 1007Be. If you're looking at Diablo, would it be possible to wait until after the speaker upgrade to try out the amps, particularly XA30.5? Many people commented XA30.5 is sweetest sounding of XA.5 series if the speakers are efficient enough (I wouldn't know because I only have experience with XA30.5). Your experience on INT30A maybe due to its not being as "powerful" as or relatively lack of control compared to XA30.5. I understand INT30A amp section is the same but a combo like XA30.5 + XP-10 or XP-20 should be much better than amp + volume control (sharing power supply, capacitor size, etc).

I'm saying this because I had 1008Be and now 1028Be with the same XA30.5 and even at very loud level, the amp stays in class A. My room is 18x25. Besides, I do not think XA30.5 + XP-10 would give up anything Diablo has to offer if source and cabling are up to the task. More importantly, it's much less money and boxes/cables than XA100.5 + XP-20. If the speakers are Scala though, I wouldn't want anything less. BTW, Focal announced there might be a Scala II (I was also told it is not possible due to important changes to the cabinet).

But of course I don't doubt XA100.5 monos will outperform XA30.5 stereo in any way.

I haven't yet as I need to get the electronics figured out first. Yes that's correct I have Focal 1007Be's and looking to go to the Diablo's but not sure. Still looking to pull the trigger on a pair of Xa100.5's and perhaps an XP-20. I was hoping to find a one box solution but it is looking like that is not going to happen.

By the way, did you also change the speakers too? I remember you have 1007Be.
Hi Chuck,
Congrats! What is your impression regarding INT-30A vs. XA100.5 (plus XP-20?)? I'll be very interested. For now, it's not in the plan to move up to XA100.5 (due to too many boxes) but who knows what future might hold.

The Boulder lists for $12,500 so it is a bit on the pricey side for an Integrated and not sure it has all the features you are looking for.

Yes, H300 is definitely worth a look for anyone who's looking for one box solution. H300 even has a built-in dac btw, unlike H200. With Hegel claiming H300 was built from the ground up and not from H200, I'm not sure what to expect of it. To me, H300 has to be at least on par with my Pass combo for me to switch. A little less and not sure if I could live with it long term. I feel what I currently have is the absolute minimum.

Chuck, Boulder 865 looks very interesting. I will look into it too. I do need HT bypass and a set of pre-outs to drive the sub.
I would think the H300 would be a better comparison and if the 200 is that good perhaps the 300 is worth considering. Also looking closer into the Boulder 865 integrated. I really would rather find an acceptable integrated instead of sticking 100 lb mono-blocs (xa100.5's) next to my speakers.

To Dongr I previously had a Cary SLI-80F1 and then a home audition of a Pass INT-30.

To my surprise, they sound very similar. Pass combo is just more refined and has a calmer, sweeter presentation.
Kzhtoo, How would you describe the sonic difference between your Pass combo and the Hegel?
Just to update, I have had a chance to home-demo a Hegel H200 integrated in my rig for about 3 days. The unit is well broken-in and the gentleman who loaned me the unit has been using it. I didn't start the evaluation until it was in my rig for at least 20 hours playing music constantly.

It went up against my Pass combo (XA30.5 + XP-10) and I must say Pass combo wins with ease. This is expected given their MSRP price differences. But I was impressed enough with H200 that if you're looking for an integrated in sub $4-5k range, H200 is a must audition. It sounded quite nice, but just not at Pass separates level.

I might also audition H300 (many people say H300 is at another level than H200), hopefully in the next a couple of months.
Kzhtoo I think your combo would be bit better than the INT-30 perhaps a little more resolution but it would be close.

Some other integrateds I might suggest are the ATC SIA-150, the Ayre AX-5 and the Gamut Di150
I have XA30.5+XP-10 combo :) so probably do not lose much from INT30 in terms of sonic quality, but I'd love to have a one box solution.

I was looking to see if it did and couldn't find anything so I don't think it does. Looks like only the pre-amps have a by pass feature. Too bad it won't work out for you because the INT-30 is a beautiful sounding amplifier.

No, I haven't. I have considered the VSi75 but I have heard nothing other than the reference 75 on which it is based is a great amplifier.

Have you listened to any Audio Research integrated amps with tubes or the Audio Research DSI-200 with 200 watts per channel 8 ohm??
I have Focal Electra 1028 Be speakers (91db). Love the Be tweeters with class A amplification :)

Pass INT-30A doesn't have HT-bypass :( Or else I'd be all over it. I was just thinking the other day if one of the inputs on INT-30A can be used as HT-bypass with max'ing out the volume steps.
I am still toying with the XA100.5's and an XP-20 but like you I dislike the thoughts of so many boxes. I have also looked into an Ayon Triton Integrated which is a tubed unit. However, I am not over joyed with the fact of going back to tubes again but one box is much simpler. So here I sit. Kzhtoo I don't remember what speakers you have but the Pass INT-30A might just fit the bill; that was a very good amp.
Any updates, both czbbcl and fiddleronroof? Just for the sake of it I'm thinking of trying an integrated, possibly Hegel or Electrocompaniet. I recently added a CD player and a mixer to the setup and going separates is just too many boxes and cables.

I haven't done anything as I have been very busy with other things. How about you ?

If you have the room for it, go for the Maestro :D Bass performance should emulate modern EDM concerts. XA100.5 should stay in class A even for big dynamic swings with these 93db mammoths.

One caution though, is to address your power distribution if you haven't already. These world-class speakers and amps deserve quality power or you could go in circles trying to set them up. One other thing is, I'm sure you know this, Be tweeters (+crossover) could take upward of 500 hrs of break-in time (my own experience).

Thanks for the recommendation I am looking at Scala/Maestro Utopia's. I am sure the Pass XA100.5's will be a great match.

Foot print is my issue with each amp the size of a small ARC Welder. Even though I have a pair on Hold my Wife is having major heartburn because of their size.
Hey guys, before you get hung up on the Pass, try Hegel. I listened to Hegel H20 amp with Resolution CD player as transport/dac/preamp. I first listened to the system with Amphion Ion+(small book shelf) then Magico V3. I was very impressed. The detail, neutrality. And the realism is top notch.

I thought I was ready to take Electrocompaniet home until I heard Hegel... Hegel is slightly warmer than the XA100.5 but more endearing. All the same detail are there. All the dynamic is there. The liveness isthere too. Hegel is just a little easier on the ears. XA100.5 still has more vivid details and sharply located imaging. Pass is a lot of money! I am almost ready to order their new integrated with build-in dac, the H300.

I think my research will stop at Hegel... Will keep you guys updated...
Diablo it is then :) Still XA100.5 + Diablo will sound heavenly. Come back and let us know..I'd be very interested to hear what you think.
Looks like my other post went missing. Oh Well. Kzhtoo I know and agree about the monitors versus the full range towers. But I have more of a WAF issue than Money.
Congrats Chuck! It seems money is not much an object and in that case, I'd like to suggest Utopia Scala over Diablo. :) XA100.5, XP-20 and a pair of Scala would be a killer system. I wet my pants talking about it. lol I currently have XA30.5, XP-10 and Electra 1028 Be and not sure if I can go back to monitors, even if it is Diablo.
hello chuck you ought to think about a Music Reference RM200 MKII. I was once w/the Cary sli-80 f-1 for 5 years & like the MR change - great neutral tube sound w/out all the hassles & heat.

It seemed to have the juice it was just that the INT-30 didn't have the head room I needed or so it seemed. All the way to the XA 200's Huh. Well I really don't want to put that kind of money into a pair of amps. Perhaps if I listened to it more I could somehow justify it but I don't. Maybe I need to find a more efficient pair of speakers or just settle for a less powerful amp and not turn it up so high. Or look for a higher powered Tube stereo amp like cj or arc. But then there is that Power Tube issue again.

Thanks Chuck
A friend of mine moved progressively up the XA line driving Wilson Sophias, finally going all the way to the biggest and baddest of them. This despite that fact that these amps apparently put out far more power than the stated spec. So I'm not sure the XA60.5 will get the the canons right for you. Maybe these amps just don't =sound= all that powerful?

Yes I think the INT-30 will meet your needs very well. It was a beautiful amp and performed admirably. I would recommend it highly.

I wonder if going to separates say the XA30 with an XP20 would provide a bit more gain and texture. I really hate the thought of more boxes by going with mono-blocs.

Hey Chuck,

The XP10 and XA60.5 should be plenty for you. Frankly, I am shocked the Int-30A wasn't enough for your Focals. I know that Telarc recording well. That recording has been the extreme testing for audiophiles for the last 20 years!

If you are sure to end up with 1038 in the near future, you may want to wait to upgrade your electronics. You may need XP20 and XA160.5 or even XA200.5. Start saving!

Other than the strong percussive moments, did you have other problems with the Int-30A? I don't ever listen to big stuff... The biggest pieces I listen to are Beethoven's 5th and 9th. Maybe some Brahms... They are loud, intense, but not aggressive. Do you think the Int-30A will hold up?
Fiddlerontheroof I agree I need to stay with the XA series of amps as they are wonderful in their presentation. And I am sure mated with a XP 10 or 20 pre they would make a wonderful combination. And who knows I may end up with a pair of 1038 Be's.

Love your moniker by the way.

Yes they are the 1007 Be's. One of the issues with the INT-30 is that it doesn't have a meter so I really could not tell what was going. With some recordings Telarc Tchaikovsky 1812 overture, the digital canons for example, I thought the amp ran out of room. This seemed to occur on other recordings with a lot or percussion type passages. But it is hard tell for sure if it was the amp or the recording as recordings can vary greatly. I do know I ran the amp into the high end of the volume control. It maxes out at 63 and I ran it into the high 40's low 50's. This concerned me as I have never run a volume control this near it's max value.

But in general the amp was very good bettering the Cary in every way imaginable. This is why I think a jump up the Pass line perhaps the XA60's with a XP-10 or 20 would work very well and take away any issue with regards to power.

Hey Chuck, sorry to hear the amp went back. I think you will enjoy the analogue playing with the XA amps. The sound staging is much more 3D and the bass sounds natural and real. Please do let me know what you end up with.

Hey Kz, I am trying to work out a deal with my Electrocompaniet dealer. Not sure what I will end up yet... I am also eyeing on the Lyngdorf TDAI2200 that's up for sale on Audiogon...
XA30.5 is the only stereo in XA.5 line and all the others are mono. Maybe X250.5? Mark once told me X.5s have more bass slam and XA.5s are about seduction and refinement.
Chuck, just to make sure...your speakers are 1007 Be, correct? I had 1008 Be and felt the bass was a little lacking in my 18x25 room. So I moved up to 1028 Be and still find XA30.5 drives these 3-way floorstanders without a sweat (meter stays on the left side even at very loud level).
One other thing to note is when I had 1008s, at one point I did A/B XA30.5 with Bryston 4BSST2 (300wpc) and didn't feel Pass gave up anything to Bryston in any way. Bryston may drive a lot more difficult load better, but for speakers like 1008s, my experience is Pass is in another league.
Actually the Pass revealed the Cary's short comings as well and was the better amp of the two; more refined. So I am looking to move up in the Pass line at least at this time just not sure exactly which amp / pre-amp.

Wow, that was unexpected, Chuck. Less horsepower for those passages than the Cary?
In the end the amp went back. Just not enough horsepower to drive the speakers on larger Symphonic works. Great Amp Though
and it played beyond what it's 30wpc would indicate.
