
Discussions kzhtoo has started

Another DAC suggestion a step above Metrum Octave813014
Isotek Evo3 Aquarius166748
HiDiamond RCA cables for sub27894
Quantum Base QB4/8 vs. PS Audio Dectet50632
Speaker cable suggestion740719
Electrocompaniet ECD-2 dac62164
Integrated Amp with HT by-pass559912
Nordost ICs mixing with other speaker cables540210
Dynaudio C1 and Pass amp1533030
Monitors that play huge955924
Focal Electra vs. Totem Element32070
Metrum Octave Umbilical power cord37524
Power cord recommendation for DAC1006522
Metrum Octave single ended output689410
Digital S/PDIF RCA cable recommendation40486