Opinions Golden Sounds DH Cones, I just bought some,they came in today

I bought some Jumbos to go under Preamp. Will try them this weekend, they just came in today. My tube CD player has easy access so I replaced Mapleshade brass with jumbos. I placed them in biggest triangle possible and found them a little exaggerated in the highs. I moved the back two feet 2 or so inches closer together and it smoothed out very nicely. That's as far as I've gotten. Very nice improvement over brass which I swapped back in just to confirm my findings.  If you have used the DH cones which component faired the best with the cones? I have amp, Preamp, phono preamp, turntable power supply,. I've heard 2 up 1 down, 2 down 1 up. Any advise were to place under component. I am going to buy Gaia Oreos next anyone compared the two, thank you.

I agree I found the Super DH cones available on their website as posted by geoffkait above. I do own various sizes of the DH cones and like them but I do not own the Supers, at $190/each I'm not sure how quickly I'll purchase any.
I just went to goldensound.com and found the page for DH Cones and was able to place an order for Super DH Cones in the shopping cart, all within about 20 seconds.


Music direct has smalls for $25 golden sound still has has 100 mediums for $60, just email them, I found my large and jumbos used

Where does one find the DH cones these days? The Golden Sound site isn’t much help and Musician's Friends site says they are no longer available, at least there. I have a 52 lb PrimaLuna tube preamp on the way, and a 25 lb Lampi TRP dac that currently has Stillpoint ultra minis under its three basic Stacore feet, resting on the bottom shelf of a Salamander Designs cabinet. The sound of the dac is much more open with the Stillpoints under the Stacore feet, vs. directly under the dac’s body. Thanks,
Added small DH cones under my Zesto Allasso SUT this evening.  The cones sit atop DH squares.  Bigger improvement than I would have expected as the background became blacker and dynamic range bigger. 
Yea, I was bummed they didn't work too. All the great reviews I was sure they were going to work. Maybe the minis aren't the way to go but my Preamp only weighs 15 pounds. I did pull some monitors out of the closet before I boxed them up and they did make a difference vs blue tak. I did put them under CD player and got same results. For some reason my gear likes hard footers. Brass, Nordost quasars, aluminum. One of the strangest things was when I put audioquest sorbathane under CD player highs became overly bright you would think it would be dull. So I guess every system and component acts different depending what goes under it.

Bummer Paul, sorry about steering you that way. There are a lot of people who swear by them (myself included). Apparently they are very system dependent. 
I put brass footers in place of Isoacoustic pucks and everything became transparent and refined. The DH Cones stayed under CD player. The blurred effect was gone with pucks gone everything had body again and the slow veiled sound was gone. I called Glen Carol Audio to check on some other footers and asked him if he carried the isoacoustics pucks and he said he tried them out and said he heard the same thing I did under components. He did mentioned if a system was bright the pucks may work. For my system they just didn't work and will be shipping them back tomorrow due to 30 day return policy. The DH cones are keepers and I found a set of used supers online and went ahead and bought them. I did put some DIY springs under a platform and like what they did I may order some from Geoff after I play with them for a few days.
I use 3 pucks under my preamp as well. The pucks I'm using are good for 20 pounds each. See link below. My guess is the preamp weighs around 35 lbs. FWIW, they do say to have the logo pointing toward the front (in other words, toward you). Not sure if it makes a difference or not, but that is how I've always positioned them.    


Boxer what is the weight of your preamp and which pucks did you purchase. My Preamp only weighs 15 pounds and I found it sounds better with 3 mini pucks which is rated at 6 pounds each. Seem like I'm pushing it to the limits. Maybe I'll try 4 pucks and let it settle seems like that would be better weight ratio.
I'm going to put pucks back in and see if they settle in and leave them in for a week or so. I don't want to give up on them yet, I have 30 days.  I'm putting them under a Bruce Moore Preamp with Jupiter copper foil signal caps and Duelund bypass caps. The preamp is very smooth and transparent, maybe its too laid back to match with pucks who knows. I did pull in to a industrial supply today on the way home from work and bought .750 and 1 inch diameter springs ground down ends flat so they don't wobble and stuck under CD player platform in place of spikes with DH cones under player.  Will see what they do for hell of it. I did listen for first 5 minutes while everything was cold, maybe Im crazy but sounds like things may sound bigger/larger, I could be hearing things. I will listen later tonight see what happens.
The pucks cleaned things up for me when placing them under the preamp (Jeff Rowland) & dac, as well as under the power supply for both the dac (Audio Alchemy's latest) & phono preamp. I've tried several feet under these (including the DH cones) & prefer the pucks. In my case, they improved imaging & detail better than the others.    
@paulcreed , I experienced the same faults as you when using the isoacoustics pucks; less air and slower overall. Also lack of transparency.  DH Cones has everything I'm looking for; jump factor is a good term to use. Noticeable on preamp and tube amp.

I placed the puck minis under tube Preamp it does sound like noise floor goes down maybe images a little better. I also feel like it loses a little air an slows things down a little too much. Loses a little jump factor.  I haven't had time to let pucks settle in or do a lot of listening. The funny thing is some of cables are JPS solid core so it's hard to flip isoacoustics pucks and a tall footer so I'm flipping between ISO pucks and vibrapods to get idea what pucks are doing.. Vibrapods have more air and jump factor. And I'm not the biggest fan of vibrapods by themselves. Boxer and lowrider did you find this with pucks under your preamp or do pucks need days to settle in. 

I suspect I'll get around to that at some point Geoff. Thanks for being humble. Stay classy 
One would have to be pretty short-sighted 👀and perhaps not have his thinking cap on, or a tad down and out to buy inferior springs for what amounts to the same price as those from your humble narrator. 😬 Talk about pinching pennies.
I'm sure geoff's springs are superior to the industrial springs I use but if by chance you want to try industrial springs, go to McMaster Carr, they have many. The one's I would recommend are "compression springs" .750 to 1" in dia (for best stability) & ground flat on both ends. After that it's a matter of how much weight each spring will see (max load in lbs is listed) & how much space you want between whatever is between them (compressed lg at max load).  
No, you cannot buy springs at an industrial supply place. You must buy my springs. 
I have Baltic birch layer sitting on old audioquest sorbathane Q's which sits on top of 3 inch maple. Next layer of Baltic birch sits on spikes with CD player on top with jumbo DH cones. Can I just buy springs at an industrial supply just curious what they do. Do they need to be stiff or have flex?

An interesting experiment for those with lots of cones lying around. Construct a double layer wood stand for the component, using two maple boards or Baltic birch ply. Separate the two wood layer with cones, then place cones under the bottom wood layer and cones under the component. You can use three cones for each layer for total of nine cones. This two-stage setup will sound superior to the case of one set of cones under the component.
I find that interesting, that is why I left cones under CD player it is very clear and lively with out being bright in the slightest since I adjusted cone placement. Very enjoyable to listen to and don't want to remove them. Pucks will be in Friday and will see what they can do. I see people mentioning springs, I've never used springs where do you buy and place your springs? Directly under component or platform or both? How do you determine stiffness of springs.
In regard to your question... I've found the DH cones to sound better under my transport than the pucks. The pucks really "deadened" the sound of the transport where the cones (points down) made it sound much more alive. The speakers I use are large stand mount Wilsons. The pucks are wonderful between the stand & speakers where the cones are sound better between the floor & the stands. Pucks or springs are under everything else except the Acoustic Revives power distribution devices which sound better (for whatever reason) with cones than the pucks. I would say in general, the cones are brighter sounding (not over the top though) than springs or pucks. 
I stand corrected. 😛 I once had fifty count em! Supers in my system. No that’s not a typo.
@geoffkait , I'm using the Supers under my tube amp and the improvement in all areas of SQ over the Jumbo is significant.

I say this as a former dealer for Golden Sound and major user of DH Cones. The advantage sonically of DH (diamond 💎 hardness) Cones over other products is their extreme hardness for high-speed transfer of energy, so the paper label reduces the effectiveness of the cones by creating a “soft barrier,” slowing down the energy transfer. 🔝 Also, even through Jumbos are almost exactly the same size as Supers the Supers actually sound a little better due to their more ballistic shape. 🚀 The Supers are priced higher for a reason. 😛
I’m not sure that a preamp is heavy enough for the Jumbo DH cones. I thought they were recommended by GS for heavy components and speakers. I could see the high frequency exaggeration if used on lightweight equipment.

I use the small DH cones in combination with DH squares under my tube phono preamp and they definitely create a nice improvement in depth and width of soundstage along with a blacker background.
I am a fan & use the jumbo's under my speaker stands, the large size under my transport, & the smaller ones under an Acoustic Revive power distribution box. All of them are pointed down. For the other components, I'm either using IsoAcoustics pucks or springs. They all sound different & the system has been tuned accordingly. BTW, the paper has long been worn off of all the DH cones. 
So I should remove the paper off base of cone. Why were they put there and what is sonic improvement? Can they be put back on if I prefer paper on. Cones are on maple platforms. 

DH Cones are fantastic. I use them under my tube amp, CD transport, and TT. They should all face down so they drain vibration from the component; I'm using maple platforms under each component. But I guess YMMV.
They made my DAC too detailed, so I'm using Herbie's Tenderfeet.

It's true that placement is key. Moving a cone a couple of inches can make a significant difference. I knew I hit the sweet spot when my amp and transport presented a transparent, detailed yet smooth timbre. 

One thing I can think of, if the cones came with paper discs on the bottom they should be removed.