Newbie Power Amp HELP! (BAT) VK200 Power Amp

Hi, I’ve been in the market for a new power amp for my Yamaha NS10’s and was initially gonna go with a Bryston 4B. But today I am offered a Balanced Audio Technology VK200 for $500. 

2 questions:

Is $500 a good price for this power amp currently? Or is it far outdated? I don’t know much about this brand and I’m not sure how old these things are.

Also, would a VK200 power amp pair well (or work at all?) with NS10’s

I’m on a time crunch and need to pull the trigger in less than 24 hours!


That is an excellent price for a VK200. I prefer BAT over Bryston but it’s my personal taste.  The BAT only accepts balanced cables from the preamp. If you don’t use balanced cables, you will need XLR to RCA adapters. 

Cool! Really appreciate the replies! Right now I’m using a Hafler TA1600, I’ve made massive upgrades in my studio and this power amp is one of the weakest links in my chain. Many forums I’ve read highly recommend the Bryston 4b to power the NS10’s, which is over powered for them, but apparently brings out the best in these speakers so it’s fair to assume the VK200 is comparable or better to some ears in relation to the Bryston? Another newb question in my head is it looks like the VK200 has banana plug connectors? And the Yamaha NS10 speakers I believe need bare speaker wire. Not sure if that’s problematic?

The only one showed sold on Shark went for twice as much.

Super deal unless it is dead.

Just buy 2 pair of locking banana plugs. Simple.

Yes, that's a great price for a VK200 in working condition! Cheers,


It’s a nice amp but long in the tooth. I owned a VK500 many years ago. If you buy, I recommend you consider sending the unit to BAT for a once over.

Really thankful for the insight from everyone here. Other sites I don’t get any replies lol. I bought it today for $440. Looks brand new and powers up just fine. I guess I’ll know for sure once I hook it up to my system!