Newb - Ideas For Quality vs Quantity For 2 Ch Amp/Pre or Integrated (and speakers)

I'm getting out of HT and going 2 channel.  I have always just purchased my electronics and speakers for bang-for-buck at local shops.  2 channel is very new to me, and auditioning at local shops is not providing a lot of variety or options.

After selling my current setup, it's put me in a good financial position for new gear <$15k.

I'd like to put my money towards quality sound vs quantity - I don't need more than 100w, my ears have had enough at 55 yo.  My room is 15 x 20.  Only source is streaming.  I play music all day (class A tubes out?)

I really like physical appearance of gear, and have ruled (at this time) simple face plates.  Mc, Luxman, Yamaha, Accuphase are all beautiful faces, but can't audition them all.

Any suggestions of amps/pre's and integrated with speakers I can consider...I'm overwhelmed because this 2 ch is all new to me.
Smart move. HT is horrid. You have no idea. The stuff I am about to list will be so much better than HT it will be hard to get your mind around it. Speakers that sound magical with low to moderate tube watts are what I am all about. Right in my budget range too. 
So what you get, Tekton Moabs $4500, with the Raven Blackhawk $3800

Done, and for way below budget. You can spend more but if you're smart it will be on wire and source and stuff like Townshend Pods and Podiums. Moabs on Podiums will astound you. That Raven amp on Pods will be a revelation. You won't find anything to beat these for anywhere near the price.  

No idea if you will like the physical appearance but for damn sure you will be head over heels for the sound.
It was suggested to me that a tube amp (not preamp) is not recommended to play all day long, which is usually what I do. Do you have a different opinion?

And I should have stated that I listen to pop, rock, soft rock, country, light hip-hop/blues/jazz/pianos.  No classical.
I’ve had great luck buying used mcintosh on Audiogon and usaudio. Check out my system page. The stuff sounds great, built like tank and holds its value with the best of them
Try not to completely rule out “simple face plates”. Hegel for example are excellent integrateds, with minimalist, modern looks. Parasound is another good example with the Hint 6 integrated, or a separates system. Very affordable and capable. Pass Labs used is a nice start too. You can put together a nice, but “used” Audio Research separates system together if you choose wisely and even get a good hybrid tube pre/SS amp for good starter $$. Speakers are another discussion entirely. You will get a different “opinion” from every answer. You’ll need to see what you have available to audition. A recommendation from here can be good, but still a crap shoot as a speaker that sounds amazing in one room/setup, might not in another. Then there are cables... and everything else. Just realize you are embarking on a journey, and unless you get REALLY lucky, you will most likely be seeking out just the right everything for awhile.
Check out Hybrid gear like Vincent or Pathos Acoustics.

I have a Pathos Classic One MKIII and it is a wonderful hybrid and will drive anything speaker wise. 
There are too many options out there to make a meaningful recommendation.  If you could describe what type of sound and sound characteristics are most important to you it’ll help greatly to narrow down recommendations more toward what you’re actually looking for. 
It was suggested to me that a tube amp (not preamp) is not recommended to play all day long, which is usually what I do. Do you have a different opinion?

Do you want music? Or do you want an appliance? The sound I am talking about you cannot get from silicon. Only tubes. Yes tubes do wear out and need to be replaced. Do you give up driving because tires wear out? If you leave it on all day then I assume it is background, or at any rate not that loud. With the speakers I’m recommending the amp will be doing some tiny fraction of a watt. Basically idle from the amps point of view. With that being the case your tubes will probably need replacement every two years, give or take, as opposed to going three to five the way I do, a couple hours a night, with an hour or so of that being fairly high volume.

Again, the speakers are the key. Get sucked into 90dB or lower like a lot of guys do and yes you will be pushing the amp hard. Easy to drive 95dB and up like Tekton the amp is hardly doing anything until the volume gets real loud.

People are funny. They love to make everything harder than it needs to be. Its not that hard. You get Tekton Moabs, Raven Blackhawk, then PM I will give you my phone number so you can call and gush about how you never even in your wildest dreams thought anything could ever sound this good. Take it to the bank. Cash the check. Spend the money.
I am a tube component aficianodo but recognize that they may not fit the desires or need for everyone. You're wise for prioritizing quality over quantity. Your stated budget allows many good options.

One combination I feel very confident recommending is,

1 Coherent Audio 12 speakers (Made in Canada). High sensitivity (96 db)
8 ohm impedance load.  Is a 2 way coaxial driver design with a very simple crossover. These speakers are easily driven by 3 watt SET tube amplifiers. So an  exceptionally easy speaker to drive. 4000.00 to 5500.00 USD depending on if upgrades are chosen.

2 Luxman L 550AXII, Integrated solid state pure class A , 20 watts/8 ohm-40 watt/4 ohm. Very high quality design with high end volume control (Not an after thought as is the case with some integrated amps) and very robust power supply. 5500.00 USD. BTW has a standby mode so can be left on with miniscule power draw.

I believe this combo will provide excellent sound quality with convenience and modest electricity use.
Good luck, 