New Vandersteen Preamp L5-ACC - Axpona show report in Absolute Sound July/Aug issue

New Vandersteen Preamp / Axpona report from Absolute Sound July/Aug issue

I don't know if this link will work ... I subscribe so it does. I can't post screenshots here (bummer!). The is the electronic issue of AbSound.


Every new expensive preamp is a world-beater! LOL! Solid-state electronics have been a settled issue for decades!

Every new expensive preamp is a world-beater! LOL! Solid-state electronics have been a settled issue for decades!

Now THAT is funny! I guess Soulution, Constellation and the others who introduced expensive new SS high-end gear in Munich and at AXPONA are fools?

Richard V isn't, and he has done something a little different to please himself first. I'd bet it will be interesting and good. "Only" $15k too. Cheap!