New Rogue RP-7 Preamp

I just ordered a Rogue RP-7, arriving in about 2 weeks. My plan is to use it with a new Bryston cubed amp. I've never actually heard this pairing, but have read elsewhere that this is a good sonic match. My goal is to add just a bit of the tube sound to the system, although it's said that this pre rides the line between SS and tube sound. In any case, just to take a bit of the SS edge off. This pre is also to replace an AR LS17SE that I really like, but it's time to try something new and the Rogue fits the bill for now. 

I'd love to hear any comments or experience with this pairing from the folks here. Thanks.


Try GE or RCA tubes in the RP-7.  I liked them better than the much more expensive Millard’s. The RP-7 is a wonderful match with solid state power amp. 

@charlie123 Hasn’t arrived yet. However, I have no complaints with the AR which has mostly been used with a Pass Labs amp. Just trying something different.

@avanti1960 I’ve read the opposite in most posts. Not sure what to say.

I had the RP 7 and it dis not respond very well to any tube changes and I had a drawer full of expensive NOS.  The sound never improved- either voiced to sound the best with the JJ or the circuitry makes the tubes have less impact on the sound.

@jaybe  I am trying to decide whether to go for a used AR LS17 SE or a Rogue RP7.  What is your final take between the two preamps? Which "sound" did you end up preferring?  thanks!


Never owned the Bryston cubed amps but have heard them, they sound quite smooth.

I did own the RP-7 and it sounded overly smooth and lacked the transparency I prefer- even with stock tubes- which take hundreds of hours to become burned in.

I hope the combo does not sound dull for you.


Thanks for this information. I haven’t had tubed equipment for 10 years so I’m still studying the differences between the myriad tube options out there. I plan on talking to Rogue about the 2 tube vs. 4 tube changeout. For sure I’m also not looking for that Mullard effect you describe, which I recall from when I was using a tubed phono preamp long ago. I'll for sure post my impressions when the time comes.

I’ve had the Rogue RP-1 for years and currently have the Hera. I’ve rolled about 8 different pairs in the RP-1. The stock JJ’s were my least favorite. I tried Mullards as mentioned above and it sounded like someone threw a blanket over my system. Although Mullards are highly recommended by Rogue and many others , I’m just not a Mullard guy. What I’m not sure of due to lack of experience is if the higher level Mullards or Brimars are better sounding than the basic NOS Mullard. Of the American tubes I liked Sylvania and RCA. I also tried Amperex, Seimens ( silver plate ) and Tekefunkens. The Seimens were too bright overall and the Amperex were too forward in the upper third of the frequency range. So when I tried the Telefunkens my Porridge was just right. If you read the 12AU7’s description at Brent Jesse they are spot on. Since I haven’t had the RP-7 I’d be curious if two of the four tubes have a greater influence on the sound quality. If that’s the case you could try just 1 pair or mix and match different brands. It’s all system dependent and we all like what we like, so YMMV. I’d love to try the Bryston with my Hera and I like my Rogue stuff. Please post your results I’d love to hear how it sounds and what tubes you rolled. Happy Hunting , Mike B.