New Forum Format Sucks

The new forum format sucks. The old one was perfectly fine.
Please improve on the background contrast and print size...I’m dying here. 

Also,can a click on button/tab be installed to quickly go to the end of a thread/post instead of the old lame...hold the arrow in the bar to the right until I finally get to the bottom of the thread.
OMG. all I can see is this bright white background with small black words, I'm putting on my sunglasses!

Mmm some things about the new platform are more user friendly, some not. I don't like the bleached white interface. Much preferred the traditional yellow interface as it was easier on the eyes. Also, still no ability to post images/photos?? And no ability to like or say thank you for posts. C'mon A'gon!
Well OK now that I see how fast a response is posted it is nice, but I smell heated arguments brewing..
Maybe in time we will learn to like it, but why did it need changing?
the old format seemed to working fine, maybe they could have added a few enhancements to improve it. I think Audiogon is government owned...the government mentality is "if it ain't broke....fix it till it is!"

Well we are kinda stuck with it now, and a few years back when they changed other things we all complained, but we are still here ;0

Ctrl + or Ctrl - will zoom in or out on IE and Firefox. On MACs I think it is Alt + or Alt -.
Interesting that the page header still has sharpness and color saturation, then you have faded pastels and thin font below as the the improvement.  Not as eye friendly to me.
  I use Google Chrome and can adjust print size through Chrome.  Just go up the right corner and open the Control box, click on Zoom plus or minus.  Simple fix.
Need more time to make a judgement, changes are always tough to deal with initially, but I would like to see larger print.
Post removed 
  I like it fine.  With this format you can go back and delete a post if you want.
Change takes longer for some then others. I think it's to early for anyone to conclude it's not an improvement. What's important is we still have the best format to discuss audio/music and purchase equipment!
The new format is different, but it is  fine, plus there are several new features that are very nice, like an expanded search function and the ability to follow new additions to a thread, along with additional information in the lists and posts. Without the rewrite, there probably would never had been any improvements made, ever. Use it for a while. It is easy to use and more functional than the old version.