New Adcom power amps?

Have anyone had a chance to audition any of the Adcom amps?  $2,399 for 450 wpc @ 8ohm sounds (no pun intended) like a good deal.

Wondering what degree of improvement the Musical Concepts mod will bring to the table? I heard a B&K mod yeaars ago and it was quite impressive
No, they never went out of business.  They’ve been bought and sold a couple times like many other such companies, however.

They are based in Arizona and when I dealt with them several years ago, Stan Brown seemed to be a key guy in customer support.
I saw their ad in the classified section.  Those big amps look pretty impressive, but I'm just running bookshelf speakers these days, and don't need all that power.

I did some more checking on the GFA 555SE, and I was wrong about the maximum current pre channel.  My Parasound A21 was listed at 60 amps per channel, and the 555SE doesn't do 70A, it does 80A.  The brochure on the website also says it's stable down to 1 ohm!    

The High End Palace in Florida has a 14 day in-home trial with free shipping.
And >900 damping factor! Keep us posted. I'll be interested in your findings.  My New Year's resolution is getting a pair of relative power-hungry loudspeakers
Well I guess the sale price was too good, I just ordered a GFA 555SE.  Reg price was 1299 for 200wpc and it looks like 70 amps per channel max, yikes!  The sale price on the site is almost 300 off.  Hey Wolf, I think I saw one with your name on it.  

I sold off a halo A21 almost a year ago and have been dabbling in NAD. We’ll see what the Adcom can do.
I owned Adcom in the early 90's.  Tweeter hi fi used to really push that brand.  I had the 555 amp and their best preamp, their tuner and cd player connected to Vandersteen 2ci speakers.  I thought it was great until I heard the same speakers with better electronics.  They certainly didn't sound like mine.  I quickly dumped all the Adcom and never looked back.
As a teenager, I remembered not been impressed by the sound quality of their big guns but the 535?? was a little gem. Back then, offering from B&K, Hafler, NAD, were sonically superior IMHO. Now reading at the description and parts used in these new interations seem likes we may have a winner. An option to please the Magnepan crowd perhaps?
I have a 5300 in my rack to power some speakers I stick in the windows to my deck…it's a GREAT sounding mosfet amp, big torroidal transformer, and built like a tank as have all the other Adcoms I've owned over the years. Bought the "mint" 5300 used a few years ago for about 100 bucks or something.
Good for Adcom!  My first high end seperates were the 555II and 565 preamp.  I like it that someone is innovating in "big iron."
I'm watching the Adcom site, hoping for some kind of price break after Christmas.  If I can snag one of their amps on discount, I will.  I'm intrigued at the favorable comparison with the Parasound A21.

I've currently got a GFA 5400 that I recently acquired.  It's about 19 years old and sounds surprisingly good.  
I don't know about this current offering from Adcom, but my back-up amp is a Musical Concepts modified GFA-555. Not bad as a back-up but...

It probably is a good deal, they have been building solid amps for a long time, and it would be a simple matter for them to have a better amp by building with more expensive parts.

Judging by the size and weight, definitely not Class-D. Looks as though they’er trying to make a comeback to high end with this beast.

Cheers George