I purchased some '80s K-mart and Tonemaster cassettes off of ebay. I wasn't really expecting these to sound great, but good lord, these sound horrendous. The sound is muffled yet tinny, and the left and right channels cut in and out. 

I don't really feel stupid, because I had to eventually try these out to see why they were so cheap. Glad I did.

I won't mess with cheap ones ever again. A few minutes ago I bought a NOS unopened Fuji DR-1, because I already bought one, and the sound was excellent.

when I sold my Nakamichi super top deck 15 years ago I gave away more than two hundred TDK MA-Rs that I had used for my recordings.
They were metal bodied cassettes that cost a lot ... no regrets then and no regrets today for giving them away.
Cassettes ? Going back in time ,time to buy $40 
 ripping program that does everything DB Power amp.
Why on earth, after putting all the effort into getting a system together, then taking the time to record materials, would you go for cheap tapes?

Another vote for TDK SA90, in the 80's you could buy a box for 10$, and now the price for a single blank tape is just plain stupid imo.
I worked at a place that at one time was the largest distributor of magnetic recording media in the world. I got a hefty discount on my purchases, so I used to buy several cases of TDK MA-XG and SA-XG in all lengths every week. I still have a fair stockpile. At the time, the Metal 90min retailed at around $20 ea. I think I gave around $7 for them. Has anyone seen what people are getting for them now? Ridiculous!
Yeah, generic brand cassettes...and the pre-recorded cassettes you used to buy at retail outlets...could be almost embarrassingly bad. Unwind for me! Stuhretchhhh!

Is it essential to put a screaming title? Don't you even know a little about the rules of "netiquette"?
Back in the early 80s I bought a bunch of cheap Memorex tapes. Well they failed and wasted all the effort making playlist tapes. Switched to the venerable TDK SA90 and still have them.