I purchased some '80s K-mart and Tonemaster cassettes off of ebay. I wasn't really expecting these to sound great, but good lord, these sound horrendous. The sound is muffled yet tinny, and the left and right channels cut in and out. 

I don't really feel stupid, because I had to eventually try these out to see why they were so cheap. Glad I did.

I won't mess with cheap ones ever again. A few minutes ago I bought a NOS unopened Fuji DR-1, because I already bought one, and the sound was excellent.

Back in the early 80s I bought a bunch of cheap Memorex tapes. Well they failed and wasted all the effort making playlist tapes. Switched to the venerable TDK SA90 and still have them.

Is it essential to put a screaming title? Don't you even know a little about the rules of "netiquette"?
Yeah, generic brand cassettes...and the pre-recorded cassettes you used to buy at retail outlets...could be almost embarrassingly bad. Unwind for me! Stuhretchhhh!
I worked at a place that at one time was the largest distributor of magnetic recording media in the world. I got a hefty discount on my purchases, so I used to buy several cases of TDK MA-XG and SA-XG in all lengths every week. I still have a fair stockpile. At the time, the Metal 90min retailed at around $20 ea. I think I gave around $7 for them. Has anyone seen what people are getting for them now? Ridiculous!
Another vote for TDK SA90, in the 80's you could buy a box for 10$, and now the price for a single blank tape is just plain stupid imo.
Why on earth, after putting all the effort into getting a system together, then taking the time to record materials, would you go for cheap tapes?

Cassettes ? Going back in time ,time to buy $40 
 ripping program that does everything DB Power amp.
when I sold my Nakamichi super top deck 15 years ago I gave away more than two hundred TDK MA-Rs that I had used for my recordings.
They were metal bodied cassettes that cost a lot ... no regrets then and no regrets today for giving them away.