Need recommendation for a CD player

Please recommend a CD player for me. Audio only, 2.1 system. I have a Parasound P5 pre with a Parasound 21 amp, Snell A2 speakers, a Snell 550 sub with its own amp, a Snell SPA 200 and good cables. Thanks for your thoughts

Thank you for the suggestions, dlcockrum.

However, I need to add context to my question.  I have no doubt that the players you suggested are great and would beat my Oppo 105D for 2-channel audio.  But, since I don't reside in the U.S., I really should focus on new and not modded products.  Given today's exchange rate, bringing anything in across the border to Canada would add about 48% to the cost.  (Unfortunately, that is not an exaggeration.)

So, I'm still thinking of keeping my Oppo 105D for Blu-rays, where it does a fabulous job, but would like to move to a CDP for music.  Budget is $1500 - $2000.  Any more ideas for a "musical" player in that price range? 

so, the real question is whether there is a CD player for less than $2k that sounds better than the 105D?

I'd wait for the new ESS chips & implementations then check out the new Oppo
"so, the real question is whether there is a CD player for less than $2k that sounds better than the 105D?"

Insert the word "new" in front of "CD player" and the answer may well be "no" or "not in any audibly significant way".

It seems that the 105D is right at the sweet spot of that price range re: price/performance/versatility and must have a really good digital section as Dan Wright stated that, "Oppo’s stock clock “is excellent and unique,” and its DAC (employing two ESS Sabre ES9018 chips) “is exceptional.” He added that because they could not improve upon the clock or the DAC, Modwright left them alone."

Exemplar also chose the 105 as the model to modify for their latest and only current digital offering.

Dan chose the Marantz SA-8005 for his latest Truth mod, possibly due to Oppo discontinuing the 105/105D. Seems that the 105D and the SA-8005 are the current kings of the latest <$2k players until the new models are introduced...

I got to try the Marantz SA 8005. It was nice, but I didn't run any A/B Tests.
. Then, I thought about changing directions. I realized I really do not like fooling with the physical CDs. I have never come up with a great way of storing them. Case Logic binders with sleeves is so cumbersome. Anyway, I started listening to the siren song of copying all that digital info to a computer and then using an iPad at my listener's chair and just looking at lists and cover art instead of binders of CDs. After all, what's the diff, storing digital info on a small CD or tons of digital data on a huge SSD drive?
I had an extra Mac mini sitting around so I started importing all my CDs into iTunes using the Apple Lossless Encoder with error checking on. MANY hours later, I am almost done. The man at the stereo store where I borrowed the Marantz SA 8005 says I should STILL buy the Marantz because it has such a great DAC, that the DAC in my Parasound P5 is sub par, and that I can't touch the DAC in the Marantz at that price point even if I just use the Marantz as a DAC. Do you agree?
Only your ears will tell. Either way, next challenge is to get the jitter out of the interface, which is already addressed with a good all-in-one player.

Best to you ericruff,

Sound to me like you have the opportunity to evaluate both approaches in your own system. I encourage you to do so. I also have a computer based system using the Mac Mini however at times insert a CD into my player. The Marantz will provide you that option in addition to possibly supplying a better sounding DAC. 
If you don't need SACD, Yamaha has regular CD player for $299 with a very good review, Music direct sell it..
I build DACs and I could probably ship one to you for $1200 plus the shipping and if you don't like it return it.
The Oppo’s are great but not very good with rebook cd’s as far as I’m concerned. Is the op looking for rebook playback? I'm not bashing Oppo. They're nice but if you want the best in rebook reproduction look elsewhere.
I have a Oppo 83se and my Marantz Sa 8005 sounds a lot better. The Oppo 83 se hurts my ears after about a hour.  The Marantz it is one great cd and the  dac for hi res DSD 2.8 ,5.6. Sound great. 

Just picked up a Rotel RCD 1570 because I thought it sounded more pleasing than a Oppo 105D, which I was considering more for audio playback than anything else. All the features the Oppo has are nice but the Rotel, with the Wolfson DAC processors, just sounded better. 
I had also been itching to get a better sound for my CDs and decided to get a better DAC instead of getting a better CDP. A side benefit, if the DAC has multiple coax inputs, is the ability to use it for other digital sources like a streaming device, etc. I'm using it with my Node 2. I don't know if its a better chip set or something else but the music sounds a little less fatiguing with the outboard DAC. Just a thought.
Go for a used/new Yamaha Cd-s1000.  The build quality and the smooth / musical / 3D sound are more captivating than anything Oppo offers.

I also recommend the Sony 5400ES.
Its a great sounding CD player.  
I'v been using it for 3 years now. 
You'll see them on Audiogon and Ebay.
My friend had an interesting combo.
He's using the Musical fidelity Tri vista 21 tube dac and a Pioneer Elite DV-09 DVD CD player as a transport.  This was Pioneer's top of the line DVD CD player in the late 90s. Its so built. Its a really good transport. 
This Musical Fidelity, Pioneer Elite combo sounds great.  The Musical Fidelity has a nice tube sound to it.   The Pioneer DV-09 only plays CDs. It wont play CDRs.
My friend also has a Pioneer Elite DV-37 DVD CD player which is also really built and makes a very good transport.  The DV-37 plays everything.  CDR's, MP3s etc. 

Pioneer Elite is a keeper- well and sometimes, overbuilt.
Happy Listening!
Maranz is nice but for the SA-113 price you can find a used SA-1 or SA7. These are some of the very best digital players at any price. And yes I have tried and owned a lot of different digital players.
I'm waiting on Oppo - they just released the Sonica, so need to stick a tray in there...
Pick up a used CDP from the Sony ES line and mate it to an external DAC via a decent coax cable.

Best bang-for-your-buck (used) DAC under $500 is the Teac UD-501, IMHO. YMMV.

I upgraded from a Sony S9000ES (mated to a Teac UD-501) to an Esoteric DV-50S. The Sony/Teac combo came very close to the redbook performance of the Esoteric!
"Best bang-for-your-buck (used) DAC under $500 is the Teac UD-501, IMHO. YMMV."

+1 on this....