Need help troubleshooting an amplifier.

Hi all,

I need help troubleshooting an amplifier. I've tried googling for some answers but come up short. I'm such a novice I don't really know anything about electrical stuff. 

Here's the problem with my amplifier. It turns on, it gets stuck on stage 5 which could potentially mean a power supply issue or one of the Module inside the amp.

I've checked the DC voltage on the speaker terminal. Black terminal registers -0.05. Red cannot get a reading, stays at 0. 

I've contacted the designer but it takes a very long time to get a response so I'm here seeking you guy's expertise while I wait on the designer.

If it's a power supply issue, what does this mean and is it a huge issue to fix? Any other theory on why my amp is having an error?

Thanks all. I'm just super restless and it's been more than a month without music. Some might understand my agony. 


Tell us what amp you have. Don’t be shy! Since the builder/designer is still alive and kicking he would be the obvious first choice to go to! Send him the amp and tell him to fix it! You don’t know enough about electronics to work on it. 

Post removed 

@carlsbad2 Normally it turns on and countdown from 10 to 0. But in this situation it counts to 5 and then get a permanent error.

Based on all the description I can give, that the positive terminal has no voltage. Could it mean a blown fuse on the power supply?

@samureyex If you don’t provide make/model of amp, no one is going to be able to assist.

I didn't include make and model because I'm certain it won't change the end result.

The make and model is BMC S1

Interesting -- you say you are a novice who knows nothing about electrical stuff but then state you are "certain" that the make & model mean nothing for determining the problem. 

Beyond checking for blown fuses and making sure the unit is properly plugged in and connected correctly to the source and speakers, anything beyond that will likely need an experience technician to fix.

I have no urge to "prove you wrong" but don't understand why you thought it was unimportant to provide a make/model until pressed.  Sometimes a particular make/model of just about anything (car, TV, computer, audio gear...) will have known issues that are specific to that item.  Giving the make/model of your unit will let other owners or those with experience give you helpful info.  That info would be irrelevant to most other brands on the market.

Personally, I have no experience with the BMC S1 so can't provide any further help, but hope someone else recognizes the issue and can assist. Otherwise, you'll probably need to send the unit off for service.