Need Help identifying late husbands Stereo components Infinity Beta speakers

In search of help, my husband passed away last November. His Stereo is here, and disconnected. Our daughters do not want, and I am not an Audiophile. I have pictures of the system. The Infinity Beta speakers are the old huge ones, and I have the original boxes, threshold preamp, and other parts. There is a plethora of remotes. Not sure where to start with identification and where the best site to sell is. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
I'm sorry to hear of your loss,

Most older gear like this would probably sell better on your local Craigslist or EBay.You may want to sale the big speakers with pickup only option and not risk damage by shipping them.

Best of luck to you,

I am very sorry to hear of your loss. The Infinity IRS Beta Speakers are very good and are worth a bit of money in good condition. However, they are large and expensive to ship. Where are you located? Maybe there is someone nearby who may be interested in the speakers. 
I'm sorry for your loss.  reubent is correct.  If in good condition the IRS Betas have closed sales on ebay in the $7-$12K range.  If you give a general idea of your location, we may be able to recommend a good used equipment dealer.  This site is good for high quality gear, typically better than ebay in terms of responsible members, as long as you check feedback.  Shipping the IRS Beta's would definitely be a challenge and if damaged, replacement parts are scarce.  Threshold made some good gear, depending on the model and condition, it could be worth $750-$2000.  If you post model #s on the electronics, we could also give a better idea.
One other thought.  I'm not sure if you consider this a labor of love or a something you need to do out of financial necessity or what, but if you want to reduce the stress/hassle level, you might reach out to The Music Room in Colorado.  They are probably the biggest dealer in used high end at the moment and have a good reputation on this site.  They offer fair prices and may even be able to help set up shipping for those IRS Betas.  One stop selling, perhaps.  Personally, I would stay away from Craig's List.  At least where I live, there are safety issues and likely would get lowball offers.  Anything that you cannot sell through high end channels, including this site, I would then put on ebay.  And be careful of scammers asking to pay with (phony) Western Union money orders, or asking to ship to a 3rd party, and the like.  If it feels funky, listen to your gut or post here and ask. 
Thank you all for your help, here is list of components.
beta speakers, I have the original boxes. Stored in heated insulated barn.
threshhold DAC 1/e digital processor
infinity IRS Servo  
BK M-200
ADCOM 5800
ADCOM 5802
Threshold T-2 preamp
Threshold DC power source e
threshold serial number 09411 this looks like the DC power source, but is bigger and heavier. 

Then there is is a plethora of remotes, I have a forte remote but I am not sure which component it belongs to. There are other components in the storage room too. 

I am weary of craigslist, as in my area it is mostly low end items.
we are in Michigan north of Detroit. 
I truly appreciate your  help. This is very hard to do. He only taught me how to use the home theater, I have no idea how to even turn on this system. As we only have one child still at home I am looking to downsize. 
Thank you all.

I would contact Saturday Audio in Chicago.  They definitely can move this gear and are really nice guys.  Call or email them with this list.  I'm sure they can sell it for more than you can.  It will be well worth paying someone to drive it to Chicago.
you may want to contact Harry at Audio Dimensions in Birmingham, Michigan.

He has been there 40 yrs and is a good guy I am not sure if he would be willing to help but may be able to point you in the right direction.

Good luck and my condolences 

Dear audiophilewidow,

I truly am sorry for your loss and how confusing all of the equipment audiophiles possess can be!  Sounds like philijet and elevick have ideas worth pursuing.  I wish you the best!

To the rest of us,

I've been thinking about this for some time, not just as regards stereo gear but other tasks that we attend to around the house that our spouses may not be fully aware of.  I realize it's no fun to anticipate your own eventual demise but inevitability is hard to escape.

I foresee myself sitting at the computer in the near future laying out directions/suggestions for all of these concerns for those who will survive me.  
Dear HIfiman5, please do write down a detailed list and directions. My husband taught me how to turn on the home theater, but not where to plug in an iPod on the surround unit.  He was a computer engineer, and worked his magic to create sound for us to enjoy.  he died unexpectedly from an aortic aneurysm. He had a stressful day at work. He called me and asked me to turn on the preamp. Came home and went to decompress listening to Claus Schulze Dresden performance part 4. His suit coat is still on the chair in front of his Stereo. He died in his chair, listening to a favorite piece of music. While I appreciate the fact he passed without pain in his Audiophile space, I can not bear to enter the lower level, seeing the speakers along the wall. His sound panels designed to eliminate the echo. This is another reason why we have decided to sell. 
Thank you all for your help. It is truly appreciated.
Sorry for the late entry, but a fellow on ebay that goes by "magicmarksy" may be able to help you with identifying the specific model of Infinity speakers, their value, how to verify condition, current market demand, etc. He may even be interested in buying them.

A good friend of mine talked with him extensively and even visited his home when considering the purchase of vintage Infinities. "Dr. Mark" rebuilds, modifies, and upgrades these speakers perpetually. The dude knows his Infinities.

Very, very sorry to hear of your loss. I know what it is like.

Hi audiophilewidow

...I believe that the posts here which suggested you contact a reputable dealer who handles used gear is *your* best choice for multiple reasons, avoiding unknown visitors included. 
Another vote for the Music Room in Broomfield CO.  I have both purchased and sold good used gear to them and they are first rate.  They do a lot of estate liquidation.
Hello and condolances...  hopefully things improve for you folks sooner than later.  I am in your immediate area and would be interested in the speakers.  Maybe more.  When you feel up to having someone come by to see what is what please let me know.  Again, sorry for your loss.
I'm in Northville and am not a scammer:)

I believe that Vicweast gave you excellent and complete advice on how to handle this matter safely.

Best Wishes,
Sorry for your loss........
    I do have a close friend looking for beta's and those amplifiers if your interested. I just bought his RS-1b's. I am also interested in the threshold amplifier. I do not know a decent price though. I've seen Beta's go for up to $15,000 but those were in exceptional condition. I live in Maryland. My friend is in Indiana.,
Post removed 
 @audioglow. It looks to me you would have given less than dealers would have by your tone of your voice here. Why are you so mad?  
I appreciate everyone’s help with the stereo equipment.
This has been a difficult year. Have rehomed the not in use items from the storage room. As for the Infinity Betas they are still here, set up, completely connected to all the components as he left them. I did have dealers come out to the house, they all wanted to disconnect the system and piecemeal the components. As the Speakers are large none of the dealers wanted to take them to their storefronts.   while I am not equipment savvy, it would seem to me that listening to the speakers before buying them would be mandatory, and to do that the components are necessary. So it is all here set up, unplugged from the wall.
The holidays were very difficult for my daughters and I. As spring is upon us, it is time to make changes.
I have the original boxes for the Betas, and most of the components in our heated pole barn.
We are ready to sell the system. Obviously the speakers must be sold first, either with or without the components. As to price, multiple dealers came out to the house and listened to them. I now know how to turn on the system. Have been told “ they image beautifully”, all 3 dealers quoted $12-15K as expected sale price for the speakers alone.
It is time they were with someone who can truly enjoy them. I am not all that comfortable with having strangers to my home without the presence of my Local Sheriff.
If anyone is truly interested in buying, I am ready to sell.

Again Thank you all for your expertise and knowledge.

Hi audiophilewidow. Don't sell your speakers to audioglow for less than 12k. If he still wants to buy them. I think he was going to offer you like 5g. Lol.