
Responses from audioglow

Soooooooo many possibilities...!
Yes, Matt at Atmos-Spere confirms there is a remote.  For maybe 5 or so years now.  I must be reading older material.Thank you gdnrbob 
Soooooooo many possibilities...!
All the research done this week mentions no remote.  If you get a minute and can post a link that would be great.Thanks! 
Soooooooo many possibilities...!
Rats.  Atmo-Sphere MP-3 has no remote.  Which would be nice.The Manley Steelhead latedt version does.Any relatable info for:Audible Illusions Modulus 3B, Ayre, or Simaudio 740p?Thanks 
Soooooooo many possibilities...!
Greetings fsonicsmith:)  Personally I like the sound pushing outside the speakers.  Regarding the ref 6 experience.An analogy.  Some houses in the suburbs around here have houses all in rows.  A home shares a property line with a house to the left... 
Soooooooo many possibilities...!
Yer funny hedgehog.  No affiliation, ey?  lolQuestion for you, Matt M, anyone else:Has anyone had any difficulty with the noise floor of the Manley Steelhead, or, with its producing a hum due to IC's or other wires being to close?  Would shielded ... 
Soooooooo many possibilities...!
Hello theother greg.  Will loom into Allnic next week.  Thanks! 
Soooooooo many possibilities...!
Thanks techno_dude, much appreciated :) 
Soooooooo many possibilities...!
Liamowen.  That's a whole lotta CJ gear yer sport'n over there!  I've heard of Conrad Johnson.  Will look into them next week.  All of a sudden I'm slammed until Monday or Tuesday.Thamks for the heads up :) 
Soooooooo many possibilities...!
Technodude!  :)  Am wanting not to give up some of one thing to get some of another thing.  Want to take some time and get it right.  Yes, I know, that is like looking for the Holy Grail, lol.  Well, someone has to find it:)  And the sax coming th... 
Soooooooo many possibilities...!
Hello fsonicsmith.  My buddy has the ref 6.  Thinking they were Copperheads or Taipan"s...  in any case they are not "stock" cables.Will try to read the balanced cables thread you memtioned tomorrow sometime.  Thanks for that heads up.  Fyi  ARC. ... 
Soooooooo many possibilities...!
Hedgehog and Matt M.  Wow.  The positive feedback that has been hitting me in the face all day with regard to Manley Labs... it is really getting me curious.  No dealers in my area... may have to make it a roadtrip!  :)Atma-Sphere MP-3...?  Tell m... 
Soooooooo many possibilities...!
Hello tomic601.  Yes, Audio Clasics took very good care of me too.  And they were great to be around as well (no snobs:).  Re: your ref 6 inquiry.  It seemed to be trying to get to a bigger stage than was being heard.  The sound was making its way... 
Soooooooo many possibilities...!
Actually going to search right now to see if anyone in my area has that Manley Steelhead to demo!Keep the suggestions coming though!  Paying close attention to all:) 
Soooooooo many possibilities...!
In going the Mac preamp route I'd maybe go with the C52, but, it's ss... so kind of exploring other directions.  Trying to avoid ss for the time being.At Audio Classics they set up a comparison demo for me.  Mac tube preamp vs Mac ss preamp.  Whil... 
Soooooooo many possibilities...!
Hello Matt and thanks for the heads up.  Just spent 45 minutes checking out Manley gear.  That Steelhead phono is something that needs a lot more looking into.  Going to find a place that demo's that and give a serious listen.  Not really big on t...