Need Audio Tech who knows tubes - Chicago area

Hello Friends - I own a Kondo Japan KSL Neiro 2A3 amp. An output tube recently went out and I will replace all four tubes. I've done some research and will probably purchase Emission Labs tubes. I have learned they need to be very finely matched to meet the needs of this particular amplifier. The tube matching is done by the EL by "gridding to the heater voltage" of the amp. Can anyone recommend a Chicago area audio technician/service proficient with SET tube amplifiers who can measure the heater voltage of my amplifier? I live in the Chicago northern suburbs. Thank you.
Many thanks to all of you that responded with leads. First, it appears to have been a bad driver tube on the amp causing the problems. I will replace all four 2A3 tubes with new EML solid plates as I do think one of the Full Music tubes I had been using failed or is failing. The local leads that you all suggested led me to Deltronics, Chicago and to members of the Antique Radio Club of Illinois. I will use a person from ARCI to do the measurements needed as the Kondo is a parallel SET with no feedback (as I understand) and the tubes apparently need to be finely matched. Many thanks, again, to all that responded.
I just read through my post again and I should have mentioned that Wellington Audio, in my first recommendation, is an Audio Note dealer. I don't think there are too many of them, that's why I bring it up.
"gridding to the heater voltage" is a new one on me and I have been at this for over 40 years. Something does not sound right with this...

FWIW to any technician that can use a voltmeter, measuring the heater voltage will have a lot in common with a walk in the park. Nothing to it.

It sounds like what you are looking for are matched tubes which should not be hard with 2A3s. The tubes only need to be in pairs as the amplifier is stereo.
Call Brian Walsh, owner of Essential Audio in Barrington. He will know someone to recommend to you. Brian's phone number is 773-809-4434.
"Can anyone recommend a Chicago area audio technician/service proficient with SET tube amplifiers who can measure the heater voltage of my amplifier?"

No. I can recommend someone else, though. Give Wellington Audio in FL a call. He should be able to get the tubes you want if he doesn't already have them in stock. As far as the install goes, he should be able to walk you through the procedure over the phone. I may be wrong, but I don't think its too difficult. The owner is very honest and reputable. He's someone you can trust.

If that doesn't work for some reason, call The Cable Company. They can probably help you as well. Another great place to do business.