Sorry to hear your mother is no longer with you.
My mother is 97, in assisted living in Scarborough, ME. I have been quite worried about Covid as you can immagine. Unlike other places, they built a new guard house at the entrance, no one get’s in and they are highly discouraged and quite willing not to go out. staff verrrryyy careful, not a single case among over 500 inmates + staff.
My brother used to visit her quite often, now, not allowed, he just had his first scheduled and supervised 1/2 hr visit with her, outside the building under as tent.
I couldn’t afford Reel to Reel until late in life. Luckily I inherited and was given some very good equipment, and a lot of LP’s by people.
Actually, most of my ’new to me’ vintage stuff and my music is purchased with my tobacco money. I smoked age 10 (north carolina state plant) to age 40, then quit. At that time, a carton a week was $700./year. I decided, the bills were getting paid, I will give myself that money to help me quit smoking. I decided to spend it only on music and music equipment. Being good at budgets at work, I kept myself up to and within.
Each year I calculated what a carton a week would cost, and progressively gave myself a rise in pay ($3,900/year now). I never imagined beyond just using it as a perk to help me quit, much less a few years, or 25 years until I retired age 65, 6 years ago. (I slowed down for a while, made up for it last year and this year).
Quit something, shift that money to ....
happy listening,