My ears are ready to retire!

After many many years of owning great audiophile gear, my ears are ready to retire😀. I am in the process of downsizing my home and my audio equipments. I am now looking for a simple, enjoyable, good sounding and maybe all in one system to play mostly digital music. Any recommendations will be very much appreciated. 
Keep it simpler .....

Sub carver for Nad 7020 receiver. 
Still use suca tube pre buffer..

Nad pre...(I use a 7130 Receiver).
Carver m200t amp
Suca tube pre amp as buffer between pre and amp..(45.00 on Amazon)
Arcam Rblink Btooth DAC.
Important! Use an Ipad Mini for Music Playing.
PSB 300 or 300i Bookshelf Speakers.
Play them into room. Sound 10 times their size.


Simpler....use Nad 7020 instead receiver
Still use Suca pre....between pre out and main ins...
Arcam Rblink Btooth DAC.
Important! Use an Ipad Mini for Music and imaging par excellence. 
PSB 300 or 300i Bookshelf Speakers.
Play them into room. Sound 10 times their size.

NAID M10 Streaming Amplifier would be perfect for someone after digital and all in one good quality and pairs with all kinds of apps (ios/android/mac etc) so you can stream from Tidal and Qobuz.  You can decide what speakers to use but should be relatively easy to match with your new downsized lifestyle.
I guess it all depends on what your listening to, how loud and what the size of your room will be. In my case, I own many different amplifiers and depending on these factors, I will place the best sounding amp that will fit that bill. In my bedroom, I'm using a small amp that I've made a few years ago connected to small Klipsch bookshelf speakers. This set up sounds really good and I have no intention to changing anything. I do own a Naim Nap250, and even thou it sounds great, the small DIY amp sounds better in that situation. I'm using an all tube sett-up in my main listening room, as I find the magic of tubes is hard to beat. But if I had to downsize in order to move into a small place, that set up would have to go. Giving your ears a break would probably mean turning down the volume as well. In that case, may I suggest an amp that sounds good at low volume. That is why I'm using the small DIY amp in my bedroom. It's the one that sounds the best at low volume. Hope this will help.
Been there done that too....burn out. After 50 years of tinkering and excess of $250k spent, i finally settled on a simplified Melody Audio 300b and a home brew el34 system could live with for the rest of my days. I think most people in this hobby will downsize as they see their golden years. Best of luck in your search.
Integrated considerations Belles Aria  $2300.000 and Croft Integrated $1650.00 special or Rega Elicit R $2995.00 available from Gene Rubin Audio in California

There AvaHiFi ( Frank Van Alstine) in Minnesota offers a Set 120 Control Amplifier $1200.00  solid state

Hopes this helps, never heard any of these but I have heard Van Alstine preamp and amps back in 1978 driving Magnepan Tympani 3 panels versus Audio Research tube pre and power the Van Alstine crushed the ARC better control and no silibant S's to be heard.
Chances are you won’t be happy downsizing and will go back to upsizing. 
Depends as the posts above request on what your specifics are in terms or room size and what you want to spend.

I move my bedroom clock radio BOSE wave radio down to my garage when I wash my car and I am surprised how pleasant it is for background music. Plays pretty loud without distortion.

I bet you could pick up a used one for peanuts. I don't think they make them anymore. They might only play CDs though, not sure how the product line changed since is reliable, I'll say that and I think it can take other input sources and has a nice remote.
"...I move my bedroom clock radio BOSE wave radio down to my garage when I wash my car and I am surprised how pleasant it is for background music. Plays pretty loud without distortion..."

Sorry those things are pretty awful. You can do better with a 100 buck do everything player from the big box store and a 100 dollar pair of good loudspeakers. So 200 all in for brand new.   
Thank you all for the great recommendations! Looks like I am going to choose between Buchardt A500 & the Kef LS50 Wireless II and the new kef compact sub. 
He said all in one. I thought that meant built in speakers. Once you start with separate speakers, there are some pretty nice small ones that can be expensive and you can get a nice expensive integrated amp that has a digital music tuner. He said he was retiring from audiophilia. It was just a thought. maybe there are other things like the Bose Wave out there - I’m sure there are lots of options but I’ve never looked into it. I know my son got a speaker from Walmart for $8 that links to his iPhone. He says it sounds fine. Thankfully I’ve never heard it.

I doubt a $100 pair of loudspeakers are good, although I guess that depends on what good means to you. My son would probably think they are awesome.
Hey @analoguefan - sounds like you are not really leaving audiophiledom, just shrinking its footprint in your house.

Thats’s great. Be careful- soon you’ll get a turntable and start back down the rabbit hole.
"...I doubt a $100 pair of loudspeakers are good, although I guess that depends on what good means to you. My son would probably think they are awesome..."

Probably better than the 2 dollar speakers in a Bose. Seriously my Dad was happy with his Bose until I played something that the Bose couldn't play. It was unrecognizable as music. Anyway, enjoy your garage system, if it's working for you, and it does for some music, enjoy.    
It’s not a garage system, it’s a bedroom clock radio. When I bring it down to the garage, It makes me realize how much time I am obsessing over every superficial scratch on my car or dirt every time have to change a CD. Otherwise I would only have daylight or my stomach hunger pangs to make me aware that more time is passing than I wanted it to.
You own very good speakers : Fyne.
Why not keeping them ?  Do you think you will hear that kind of 
sound with bookshelves speakers ?Quality Naim with the Fyne speakers will not take much place in your room. On the long haul , you never loose with quality.
Think about others members of your family.
And one day, your heirs will have thoughts about you , when listening to this very good but simple  system.
Just my 2 cents .

Another vote for the Naim Uniti Star/Nova. I'm powering my B&W 802D3's with the Star, and they sound marvelous. The bass is quite good. This is not my end-game combo though.

As an aside, I directly compared the Naim Uniti Star to a Mac MA8900 streaming with a Naim ND5XS2. The Mac combo was superior by about 10-15%. I believe if the Uniti Nova was in the mix, it would be a tie. Taking this into consideration, the Nova is half the cost! The Naim products are just that good. 
I downsized about 7 years ago.. From the big Vonschweikert VR7’s and BAT VK75SE monos to a more modest sized listening room and gear. I too am retired and tired of tubes and their issues and ever increasing cost.  I wanted a good sound without the constant maintenance, heat, tube noise, etc... 
I went all digital, don’t miss the TT at all !! Don’t listen to the nay sayers and the nostalgia ridden bunch who are too invested in their old ways..  while digital has disappointed me for the last 2+ decades, it has finally come of age and sounding as good , and bettering analog in some cases.. 
Now I have the Daedalus Athena V2 , Pass XP22 and the First Watt SIT3. Easy to drive speakers, low powered SET like sound without the costly hassles of tubes. After 5 decades of tubes..  I’m perfectly content with the Pass gear sound and trouble free listening.. 
My experiences, YMMV.Â