My Brief Impressions of FiiO’s New K11 R2R DAC & Headphone Amplifier

Got in my new K11 R2R (NOT to be confused with the original, sigma-delta-based K11, which I’ve also owned in the past, as well as a K7) and I will say it now, there is no other DAC that comes close to the sound of this one for $160 USD MSRP. Absolutely none. 

I first started listening to it by swapping it in my main listening chain, which consists of a HiBy R6 Pro II feeding a Gustard U18 DDC, sending audio over I2S to a Musician Draco DAC, which then feeds a Schiit Freya+ preamp, which has an SVS SB-3000 subwoofer and Fosi V3 Monos attached to it, driving a pair of KEF LS50 Metas, which are quite revealing speakers. Swapped the K11 R2R in place of the U18/Draco combo and frankly was utterly shocked at how close to the U18/Draco combo the K11 R2R sounded. The bass extension and resolution are better on Draco, but K11 R2R has better upper bass punch. K11 R2R is brighter, Draco is more relaxed. Both DACs are more treble-forward when set to OS than in NOS mode. Vocals are only slightly more transparent in Draco. Overall, 85% of the performance for 1/8th the price MSRP when comparing K11 R2R versus U18 + Draco combo. If that’s not a bargain, I don’t know what is!

Next, having been rendered confident that the DAC passes muster for the main role that I have for it, I set up the unit in my primary headphone chain upstairs in bed. As expected, wonderful, holographic imaging, smooth, natural presentation, truly organic sound when paired with the xDuoo TA-66 and a pair of modified HD 6XX cans. A perfect setup for winding down with before bed. I also hooked up my Monolith M1070C cans to the TA-66 for a listen, and still sounded great.

Finally, to get a taste of the integrated amplifier, I switched the K11 R2R to phone out mode instead of line out, and tested the DAC/amp using the M1070C closed back planar cans as well as a pair of Thieaudio Hype 4 IEMs. I listened on low gain through the 4.4mm balanced out with the IEMs and with high gain through the 6 1/4” single-ended out with the cans. In both cases, they sounded fine, but not particularly magical. It did still have the same smooth presentation, but it lacked the last bit of magic that only tubes can provide.

In summary, what you get with the K11 R2R is the best damn DAC money can buy for $160 USD MSRP. Along with it comes a perfectly confident but nothing special solid state amplification stage. I have owned and listened extensively to numerous R2R and resistor ladder DACs (Denafrips Ares II, Hifiman HM800, Musican Draco, Cayin models RU6 and the 1-bit RU7). So I know what is a mediocre (RU6) or even bad (HM800) R2R DAC can sound like, and I rank K11 R2R in the excellent R2R DAC category with the heavyweights like Denafrips or Musician. It is really that good. As for the amp, take it or leave it since it is nothing special. I’ve previously owned the K7 and the original K11, and sold them, because there’s nothing special about them. This unit is a keeper—this unit is special.


Nice review — interesting and thanks for sharing.  What were the main differences between the Draco and Ares ll?  I’ve got the Pegasus and often wonder how it compares to the Pontus, which is why I’m interested in your impressions.  From what I’ve read it seems like Musician DACs provide more treble detail but not as rich or full sounding below that so I’m curious if you found that to be the case in your listening.  Thanks for any thoughts!

@soix to be honest with you, I found the NOS setting on the Draco to sound very similar to the NOS setting on the Ares II. OS mode on the Draco sits somewhere in the middle of OS Slow and OS Fast on Ares II, where OS Slow on Ares II has the most air of the two DACs, NOS is the more laid back setting for both DACs. I prefer OS Slow on Ares II and I prefer OS on Draco. Now I do use parametric equalization, so whenever I make a major component change, what I do is I turn off all DSP and EQ, play pink noise through the DAC straight to a spectrum analyzer, look at that response graph, then I play the pink noise through my speaker chain, I analyze the spectral analysis of that from my listening position with a mic, and use the parametric equalizer to get the final sound at my listening spot to line up to the graph straight from the DAC, so there is an element of my making final touches to the sound, which likely balances out the minimal differences between Ares II and Draco in my setup.


I can't believe how incredibly good the DAC is! I wanted something small and convenientfor my bedroom headphone system. I was blown away by what I was hearing. I was so impressed I decided to compare the K11 dac to my dCS components - a dCS Debussy dac connected to a dCS Network Bridge. That's over $15k worth of gear up against this little $159 toy. I've owned many dacs over the years including a $7k PS Audio DirectStream Dac.  the K11 is easily the 2nd best dac I've ever heard and comes frighteningly close to my dCS. And the built-in amp ain't bad either - it produces a very warm and pleasurabe turntable vinyl type sound.  I luv this thing! I think FIIO forgot to add a zero to the price.

I think I will try it out and add it as a second DAC to my E70Velvet using the s/pdif from my Zen stream.

E70 Velvet’s no slouch either. Just about the most affordable way to get into an AK4499/4191 DAC!


Sorry, between the 1300 watt & the 1400 watt in performance on the FIIO, just the extra 100 watts?

Sounds like DCS robbed ya.

I can't believe how incredibly good the DAC is! I wanted something small and convenientfor my bedroom headphone system. I was blown away by what I was hearing. I was so impressed I decided to compare the K11 dac to my dCS components - a dCS Debussy dac connected to a dCS Network Bridge. That's over $15k worth of gear up against this little $159 toy. I've owned many dacs over the years including a $7k PS Audio DirectStream Dac.  the K11 is easily the 2nd best dac I've ever heard and comes frighteningly close to my dCS. And the built-in amp ain't bad either - it produces a very warm and pleasurabe turntable vinyl type sound.  I luv this thing! I think FIIO forgot to add a zero to the price.

I'm bummed. The Zen stream cannot do two outputs (usb-s/pdif) simultaneously. I really do not want to purchase a second steamer. I love my E70 Velvet and would not want to eliminate that because of native DSD.