Most reputable independent tube equipment repair facilities in the US ?

Not that I need it now but maybe in the future, especially for equipment no longer supported by the manufacturer, some European or Japanese exotics, real vintage etc.

I mean, master level trustworthy technicians.

Do you know anyone ?


A quick look at Stereo Rehab yields this tidbit:

For reference, Stereo Rehab IS NOT accepting any units for service that are shipped in. Only units that are brought in, assessed and evaluated with the units owner present, auditioned in person by the units owner upon completion, and picked up in person by the units owner are accepted.

Too bad for all of us who don’t live in Chicagoland.

Yeah, no shipping is no go for most of us. Analogique in NYC doesn't do shipping either, by the way.

Prairie Audio does not exist on the web, at least I couldn't find it.

I'll check those places on the East Coast.

I found a guy who works only on tube gear and is mainly into pre-war stuff about a 2 mile drive from my house in Austin. He’s done two jobs for me, crazy fast turn-around, super reasonable, very fastidious. His place is like a museum of antiquarian gear. I consider that a blessing, cause I loathe shipping gear as well.

I did use Bill Thalmann (RIP)-- first class guy.

I think Ben, who used to be at the Stereo Exchange in Manhattan, had a shop in Brooklyn and was authorized for a lot of more modern tube gear but I don’t know if he is still around. Peter L. also did ARC at one time.

I think you just have to dig--@inna- you are in NY metro aren’t you?

@inna -

Vu Jade Audio in NJ has a terrific reputation. You can talk with one of the owners here on A’Gon. He goes by the name BigKidz.


Bill, yes, I am in Fairfield County, CT, used to be in Westchester County, NY.

I wouldn't mind shipping, some risks, sure. Including shipping to Austin, TX.

wharfy, thank you, the name in NJ sounds familiar, but I've never dealt with them.