Most recent concert

Went to an amazing concert last night.  Searched the topic and the threads I saw didn’t match so starting a new discussion.  What was your most recent concert?

I Saw the Experience Hendrix show at Lynn Auditorium which is near Boston.  An all-star lineup of musicians playing Jimi Hendrix songs.  They had a group of 15 musicians playing in different combinations.  Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Eric Johnson, Zakk Wylde, Marcus King, Devon Allman, Ally Venable and others shredded for over 2 1/2 hours.  Highly recommend if you can catch the tour.  Next Up is Robin Trower this summer still touring at 80.  

What was your most recent concert?


The Cure, outdoor show, 1993. Unfortunately. I've probably missed a few things since.

Vietnam doesn't get much international music. Steve Vai and before that Jack White. Both excellent

We have the luxury to see 4 different concerts every night for free, each of the groups normally play at Disneyland/seaworld or over all the attraction centers around the Orlando area. We also have multiple concert houses that bring in the likes of Kansas, Christopher Cross, Pink Floyd tribute bands, etc..

Before this, I attended the big Oracle Openworkd events when I worked and they would hold a concert with multiple acts from Elton John, Aerosmith, seal, Mc and the sunshine band, Billie Joel, journey, and many many more.

RUSH!  Neal passed soon after.  One a the few "Classic" bands that could play their music live on stage.  Just awesome.