I’m using a XP 10 with a Pass 250.8 on Maggie 3.7i and the sound is magnificent on all types of music. Somewhat tube like with great bass and high end I can listen for hours. You won’t be sorry with the 250.8.
Cary Audio SLP-98, low noise dual chassis class A triode preamp with nice high dynamic gain and wonderful 6SN7 tubes feeding a Class A Pass Labs XA25. Bingo synergy preamp / amp / speakers. The JBLs do not need so much power.
If you want to take it up a few notches the Cary SLP-05 and Mac MC312 (my system) sounds fabulous.
Take a hard pass on Pass preamps. I have had both the XP20 and 30 and found the sound sterile and fairly lifeless. Consider a Coda solid state amp and a great tube preamp such as the Aric Audio Motherlode.
Better is subjective. If you let folks know what sound you’re looking for you’ll get a better answer. I’ve not heard those speakers. I have a McIntosh integrated that I enjoy very much. It’s fairly balanced/neutral but on the warmish side of neutral. Your Mc setup would likely be more of that but better wrt detail, imaging, soundstage etc. I have zero experience with Pas other than to understand its outstanding gear as well. This likely doesn’t help much other than the first part suggesting you let people know what sound you like.
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