Mcintosh C2600 preamp tube upgrade

I recently added the new McIntosh C2600 tube preamp to my system. It's paired up with the MC452 power amp along with Sonus Faber Elipsa speakers and Transparent interconnects/speaker cable.
I"m looking for some guidance with regard to upgrading the tubes in the C2600. Should I, or shouldn't I ? 
Also, what brand should I look for and where should I buy them. And finally, is this a diy upgrade or should I have it done at a audio shop? 
I appreciate any guidance all you audiophiles can offer
Great question, and I don't know. It would be stock Mac tubes, that I'm told are average at best. 

Tube Complement

6 Tubes, Five - 12AX7A and One - 12AT7
(viewed thru the Top Cover Window)

Does not say what goes where so there is a difference from the C2300.
I wish I could be more exact but have not seen the C2600.


When I had the C2300, two 12AX7A per channel for analog, MC and MM inputs were used so if all you wanted to change were the analog inputs, two 12AX7A were all that was needed. It is an easy swap but for your first time, you need to be slow and methodical.
Looks like one 12AX7A and one 12AT7 for you but I don't understand how they are utilized.
I have a C2300 with Telefunkn smooth plate for the MC phono and Gold Lion for The line stage with very good result.
Yes, it's significant. The clarity, sound stage, the transparency are very well improved, but you will only noticed this after you're done breaking in your C2600
how many hours would you estimate for total break in? I'm only at about 50 hours currently and really haven't noticed any measurable change.
Mike, one last question. There are 6 tubes, right and left mm, right and left mc along with main input and main output. My only source equipment is a mcd550 CD player, so do I only replace the main input and output? And I assume I would use the gold lion?
Update...I've installed the Gold Lions and right out of the box there was a SIGNIFICANT improvement! To my ears the mid's and base are the most noticeable. 
Hard to believe a little over a hundred bucks could make such a dramatic improvement. 
Looking forward to listening after I hit that 200 hour mark!
I appreciate all who helped.
For my C2300 I used Gold Lions in line stage and Telefunken ribs in phono stage.  I have replaced my phono stage tubes with the Mc brand since I now have an external phono stage.
The C2300 enjoys a great reputation. I hope time will put the C2600 in the same positive light. 
I only upgraded the line stage because I only have CD player for source equipment.
Im curious about your thoughts on burn in time. Some say as low as zero hours  just warm up for 10-15 minutes prior to use, others say as high as 200 hours.
The input about the tubes is great, thank you everyone.  A couple of further questions about the 2600.  Does anyone know if the tubes are utilized when going through coaxial or optical inputs vs the balanced or unbalanced inputs?  I clearly hear a difference between the various inputs.  Also, are you enacting the tone control on your inputs.  Again, I hear a difference.  My components are the C2600, MC302, Martin Logan Summit X speakers and a Marantz SACD player.  Any thoughts / guidance is greatly appreciated.  
Thank you!
I have a C2500 and in that one, though the tubes are identified as "McIntosh", they are JJ tubes from the Czech Republic.

As my preamp is under warranty, I'll hold off on replacing the tubes, when I do, I've had several people point me to the Genalax Gold Lions as a great upgrade.
Interesting, I did not know that there was a 12ax7a.  I use 12ax7's in my non Mc preamp.
I found somewhere on the web that the "a" at the end of 12ax7a meant that it had a wound filament.  Not sure what that means to the sound quality.
Hi ejr, I found the same.  In the short description I read, it mentioned the filament helped reduce microphonics.  I am not that experienced as neither my tube amp or pre has ever suffered from microphonics (that I noticed anyway), but I would have never guessed the 12ax7 in general would be prone to it. 
I know this is off topic, but has anyone compared c2600 with c52 as paired with mc452? How much difference is there? Is it clearly audible? Which would you recommend for classical music with VA mozart speakers? 
I auditioned both prior to purchasing the c2600 and to my ears the c2600 paired with the mc452 is a perfect marriage. IMHO tubes and classical music go hand in hand yet when I listen to jazz the 452 has the punch jazz begs for. As I recall the most significant difference between the c2600 and the c52 was the mid range. 
My speakers are Sonus Faber Amati Futura's, but I would assume my conclusion would probably be the same with any good high end speakers.
I recently replaced the stock Mac tubes with Telefunken in the C2500.  Huge improvement  --  should have done it two years ago.  
Glad different tunes worked for you whitecap. Which version of Telefunken are you using?

I have the same exact set up as you with MC452,C2600, mcd550 and SF Elipsa. Though I noticed you switched  your speakers to Amati Futura. May I ask what prompted this change. What cables are you using? I love my current set up, but still using cheap blue jeans cables and stock power cords. 
I upgraded the stock tubes which were delivered with my McIntosh C2500 with a matched set of Genalex Gold Lions and immediately noticed more "musical" sounds, especially for voices and natural instruments (piano, classical guitar, violins, etc.)
I've also got a Mcintosh C2500 and rolled out the Mcintosh branded JJ's.  I am current using Genalex Gold Lion 12AX7, the gold pin ones.  Before getting the GL's I had Mullard 12AX7's reissues but not the 4004's, they sound just as good as the GL's and cost a bit less.
Hi folks - I'm looking to do the same thing: replace my analog tubes work some Gold Lions. What tubes on the C2600 would be the ones I want to swap out? 
Tried the Gold Lion 12AX7 tubes in my McIntosh C2500 preamp.  Listened for a week, liked the McIntosh branded tubes much better. I bought the a gold Lion tubes from Upscale.  They were rated “uncle Kevin’s personal stash”. Which are their most expensive and lowest noise.  If anyone is interested in them, send me a PM. I am not planning on listing them, too much of a hassle. 
@jeffinnh76,       If you are looking to make the line inputs sound better(cd player/dac, music server) put them there. If you want to do the moving coil or moving magnet input, put them there.  Refer to your owners manual which will show you what tubes go where.  It is also marked on the tube strip once you take the cover off to change them. 
Noob question: do I put one of each: 12ax7 & 12at7 in place of the stock tubes? 
Read your manual, that is what it's for.  If you don't have the manual, you can download it from McIntosh for free.

MY C2500 uses 6 12AX7 tubes.  It does not use any other type so I can't help you.
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your best bet is leave the tubes alone once you start changing them you will never be happy i put 1500 dollar nos tubes in mine and i think it sounded better with the original wish id just left it alone