Mark levinson 532h and 531h

Hi there,Iam moving back to separates.I have these 2 amplifiers in mind.Can you give me a little insight,into these 2 amps ,thankyou.


Thanks.Well I bought the 532h and love it,it's a keeper.Ive paired it with a audio research ls 16.with stealth pgs balanced interconnects.Big ar sound,with lovely ml midrange.Definately keep me happy for a few years.

I own the 532H. It was annoying with high level connection to subwoofers, always popping and going in to protection mode. Other than that I appreciate the woofer control, the large & slightly laid back soundstage and very even-sounding bandwidth. I use it with JBLs, so a bit of hand-in-glove scenario. I have compared with other amps but not of both similar power and price. That said, it is a lot of amp for not much on the current market. The whole design, including the modularity and basic chassis communicates more of a work horse than a prize, but I think that sells it short. My main advice is do not over tighten the binding posts. People break them. Not me...other people ;)

My idea basically  is I personally like monoblocks  better. And as you said they  cost more money. If you have the space and are willing to go the extra generally  I think there is a little bit more there


No, I haven't noticed that but I know that he liked it when he had it in his main system.  One thing about it he liked is that it sounded really good at low volumes.  I don't know if that helps at all.

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Ever noticed that big Jay still has the 532H in his rig? I’m assuming it’s powering his home theater nevertheless it’s interesting that of all the amps he’s burned through, he’s kept the 532H around.


Check out whitecamaross’s thread: My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!

He owned the 532h early in his journey, not sure he’d still have an opinion on them. He’s moved on to ultra-high-end gear.

Looking on utube the 531h monoblocks sound wonderful. More money of course plus a extra powercable.