Mark Knopfler Recommendations

If The Ragpicker's Dream is enjoyable, what other MK CDs would be good to pick up? Track 9, Coyote is AWESOME!
Here's a URL from his site that lists all his releases, including the latest compilation.
Pretty much all his stuff is good. His recent solo efforts are real good, but I still favor the early Dire Straits stuff too. The man is just a great musician and puts out great recordings.

New compilation album coming out eh? I'll have to look for that one.
pretty much everything he's done is worth having (although I don't have everything). My favorite solo efforts in order are Sailing to Philadelphia; Goldenheart; Ragpicker's Dream.

Soundtracks I like are Cal, and Princess Bride - though these are much different than his albums.

His album with Chet Atkins (Neck and Neck) is great too.

Of course all of the Dire Straits stuff.
Mark Knoplfler has been one of my favorite artists for years. I would be certain to have at least Sailing to Philadelphia and Shangri-La. Then, if you don't have them yet, Get Dire Straits' On Every Corner and Brothers in Arms. I use the first one as a reference disk when listening to new gear. There is also a new complation album out this month - The Best of Mark Knopfler and Dire Straits
The soundtrack to "Local Hero" is very good in addition to the above two recommendations.
Golden Heart is killer as well. All are superbly recorded. The low end extension on Golden Heart is reference quality.
I'm really enjoying "Sailing to Philadelphia." Very well recorded. Great CD!
The very rare ones to find but top level music and recording:
Nottinghillbilies and Metroland.