Main speaker placement- fundamentally wrong?

Ever tried cupping your hands on your ears and immediately experience better sound? Ever notice that wild dingoes have really large ears and elephants too?

Would it be better to place main speakers on the left and the right sides of your listening position so you can capture more Sonic activity more directly? I've tried this with rear speakers and it works really well.

If God was more interested in listening to music, maybe he would've placed our ears on our forehead instead of on the sides of our skull.

Maybe someone can specially design cups to place on our ears to improve how Sonic activity is captured from main speakers. 


I was amazed at the improvement in sound using the Linn endorsed Tunedem method.  Position of the speakers is correct when the music sounds the best to the listener, not when the measurements say it is correct.

Evolution is a designer now?

How many ears did we start with and where were they positioned?  

While cupping ears may change the Sonics for the better, not sure how you came to the conclusion that speaker placement is wrong - the logic doesn’t follow.


We live in an illogical world. Quantum physics speaks to this quite well.

This situation I am basically channeling the sonic waves so they more directly reach the ear. So my thinking goes why not place the speakers on the left and right side of one’s skull. I tried this with rear speakers with home theater listening and it seems very effective so maybe two listening would work the same way.

It’s like everybody just assumes they should be sitting out there in front of you and maybe they should be suspended from the ceiling with very strong strings. And then some say to use headphones but I don’t like being confined in this manner.

I think I may be moving on to stamp and cover collecting. More opportunity to spend lots of money. I might be able to do both of these at the same time.